Tuesday, 13 August 2013



Whilst we are of this earth, we did not come from this earth - we belong to the universal loving energy.

The angels want you to know today that your world is an abundant place. Switch off from the saturation of negativity that is flooding our media - release yourself from the fear. If you believe it to be true, it will be.

Today take some time to create an abundant mindset for yourself. Recount all the wonderful things you do currently have in your life - a body that supports you, a job that allows you to pay your bills, people that love you...however big or small you perceive those gifts to be.

The universe is limitless and is always abundant.

Give yourself permission to allow into your life the things that you truly desire. Begin from a place of gratitude and joy and then open your heart to the possibilities around you.

You are a wonderful being of creation.

You are universal love in physical form.

Reconnect with the power of the universal energy to remember all it is that you already have and all it is that you can create.

Have a blissfully wonderful day.


(Card deck: Universal Wisdom by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sacred Space

Sacred Space

The angels are asking me today to remind you of the importance of creating a sacred space for yourself.

A sacred space, when created in line with your spirit, acts as a trigger that draws you into your internal world and allows you to feel centred and at peace.

Imagine what it looks like in the room inside your heart. All the things you love are in there and truly and uniquely reflect who you are. By creating a sacred space you are bringing a bit of that part of you into the external world, to remind you who you truly are.

It can be great to create a mini sacred space on your desk at work, or in your car - just to remind you that you are made of spirit. When the day gets busy, crazy and overwhelming your little space can serve as a reminder that all is well and that all the noise is just noise. You can choose to tune out.

When I was looking for a pic to post with this message today I came across a great article on creating sacred spaces for those of you who might not have created one before but would like to try.


It's never a mistake that we come across these things. I suspect there might be a Tree House friend who lives in Sydney who is looking to work with someone up there. The angels are sending this message directly to you! Check out her website and see if you feel the calling.


(Pic from jodiegale.com)

Friday, 5 July 2013

Purification (Fire)

Purification (Fire)

"Bare Essentials, The Naked Truth, Wholeness"

Today the angels are asking you to simplify. By taking some time over the weekend to get away from all the noise, hustle and bustle you will allow your senses to rest and to absorb the natural beauty in your world.

Perhaps you could make the decision to stay off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter; keep clear of newspapers and the telly. Maybe just try? As an experiment? You will be amazed at the wonderful things you see in your world that you pass by everyday.

In doing so you also create a closer bond with your inner self. In the silence you can hear the whisperings of your soul much more clearly. It might just be the perfect time to hear what your wise, beautiful soul has to say.

Saturday night is a new moon, which is perfect for new beginnings and releasing. In your lovely quiet state burn a nice candle and write your intentions for what you would like your world to be. Draw, cut and paste, write - whatever resonates best with you. It is an amazing time for creation and manifestation.

What do you want you to be, do and have?

It's time to create it!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 4 July 2013



The angels are sending a VERY clear message today:

 It is time to REST.

Resting is an incredibly important part of a balanced, healthy life. Sometimes people view resting as laziness or something they "don't have time for". The reality is, we must find time for resting as it enables us to recharge, to deal with any minor physical or emotional ailments and to bring us back to our optimum level of health.

Allowing yourself to rest now prevents major setbacks down the track if you push your body too hard. If the truth be told, there are always things that can wait until tomorrow. Sure, you might have liked to get them out of the way today, but in reality, they can wait 'til tomorrow and the world will still continue to spin.

The angels are urging you to please love and care for yourself enough to take some time to rest today.

You are the most useful to those around you if you are healthy, happy and have a clear mind. Just spend that ten minutes on the couch, lying on the grass or taking a quick snooze in your bed. Listen to a meditation or some peaceful music and allow your body, mind and heart to rest and refresh.

Refresh. Grow. Heal. Love.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards by Carina Glanville)

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Dog - I am a good friend

It is my little one's first birthday today - what a year! 

My wonderful Reiki master teacher, Martine, gave her some of Scott Alexander King's gorgeous Creature Teacher Cards. It felt right for us to have a reading with these cards to see what the angels wanted to tell you.

Dog - I am a good friend

This is just perfect to me, as the dog is my little one's favourite animal, in fact, it was the first proper word she has learnt to say!

I'm sure there are many things you think of when you think about the qualities of a dog. Loyalty and unconditional love are a couple, but what the angels are asking you to look at today is how you can benefit from being a good friend to those around you.

Sometimes when you work within, you can become immersed in self reflection and lose sight of the physical world that still remains around you. Yesterday you had the card of Grounding to remind you to honour and cherish your physical self as well as your soul.

Another way to honour your physical self in the outside world is to offer your love to those around you. It can actually be quite difficult to give unconditional love in the true sense of the word as we are all subjective beings and have our beliefs, opinions and judgments. If, however, we can give from a place of loving without expectation of receiving anything in return - that is giving in the purest sense and will in fact reap you the most rewards.

By loving others without expectation you are filling the world with wonderful energy, you are helping others to see the beauty in themselves and you are contributing to a state of peace. What better world to live in than one with peaceful, accepting individuals who are filled with love?!

For today, make a conscious effort to be the loving, caring friend to those around you. You may be surprised at the deep impact at has on others, and indeed on yourself. Spread the joy and bask in the loveliness of it!


(Card deck: Creature Teacher Cards by Scott Alexander King)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Ground yourself

Ground yourself

"When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it's pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. We're helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life."

Today's message is a wonderful reminder from the angels. Grounding is such an important practice and one that is easy to forget in day to day life. Whilst you are spirit or souls first and foremost, you must not deny the reality that your soul lives here on Earth in a physical body. This body enables you to do all the loving work that you do here. There have been a few cards lately about looking after your body and today you are reminded why.

Your body allows your soul to exist here.

One of the easiest and loveliest ways to ground yourself is to get outside. Find a park or a patch of grass nearby (rug up if it's cold outside!), take your shoes off and walk around. By letting your feet connect unobstructed with the earth below you, you are able to tap into the healing, grounding energy of Mother Earth. If you allow yourself to be present and clear you will actually feel the deep pulse from the earth through the soles of your feet.

Drinking a big glass of water is also another really easy way to ground yourself and is always really important to do after any form of spiritual healing or exercise. If you like to burn essential oils choose deep, earthy notes like sandalwood to settle you and place you on an even keel.

Grounding is a wonderfully restorative practice and one that can be done everyday.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

Monday, 1 July 2013

I am open and receptive to new avenues of income

I am open and receptive to new avenues of income

" I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams."

Allow yourself to be an open, free flowing being today. The universe is always looking to give to us but it requires us to be open to receiving. By releasing those "it's not possible" thoughts and feelings you are placing yourself in a wonderful position of receptivity.

Practice saying 'yes' in unexpected circumstances today and see where it leads you. It's really easy to become so ingrained in old beliefs and patterns that you shut things down before they've even had a chance to be explored. No more of that today!

From here on in look at life as a field of endless possibilities. The angels are putting particular attention on your financial situation. Please do not lock yourself into a negative position simply because you won't allow your mind to expand to greater possibilities. ANYTHING is possible.

Repeat today's affirmation three times over,

" I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams."

(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Friday, 28 June 2013

Wild Woman

This morning I wanted to share with you an image from the Wild Woman Sisterhood Facebook page.

I know our feeds are jam packed with inspiring images these days (which is great!), but how often do you really stop to read them and take in all that they have to offer you?

This image really caught my attention as it embodies everything that I believe.

This is YOUR time. You are READY.

The angels are here waiting to support you. All they need is your permission to clear the way.

Just sit with this image today and absorb what it has to share.

You are a beautiful being in this world. Love and happiness await you - in fact, they're already here, you just have to open your eyes to see them.


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Eternal Love

Eternal Love

"Happiness, Harmony, Fulfilment"

What a beautiful card to start our morning with -  Eternal Love.

The efforts you have been making over the last few days are cultivating a happy and loving environment, both inside and out, for you.

As all rainbows signify the sunshine after the rain, you are moving through a rocky or unstable period into one of more calm and peace.

Today the angels are asking you to remember that you control the sunshine in your life. Whether it shines dimly, or boldy and brightly is all within your control. Continuing the positive, loving thoughts strengthens and nurtures the solar plexus, which is the chakra centre for our personal power and self esteem. The best way to visualise your healthy, vibrant solar plexus is to imagine a beautiful, bright yellow sun in the centre of your tummy, just above your belly button.

The more positive thoughts you send your solar plexus the healthier it will become. You may notice that you begin to have a quiet confidence in yourself, you feel more sure of your decisions and less likely to compare yourself to those around you.

Affirm to yourself today, "I am a lovable, worthy being. I deserve the best and welcome it into my life."

Prepare yourself for a wonderfully happy day today!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Goddess of Compassion

Goddess of Compassion

"Self criticism is diminishing your sense of self worth."

We all have things in our lives that we think we could do better - whether it be at home, at work or in our love life. The thing is, there is no 'perfect'. Did you hear that? THERE IS NO PERFECT.

When you focus on achieving and receiving from a positive mindset, that's great. You are working from a place of acceptance, love, and a knowing that you deserve the best in life. This is very different to punishing and berating yourself for not being good enough.

A great example of this is with exercise. If you exercise because you hate your body and you are disgusted at how much weight you've gained you are operating from a place of punishment, judgment and pain. More often than not, from this place you find it hard to motivate yourself to exercise, you don't enjoy it and you drop off the routine after a short space of time. When you exercise from a mindset of loving your body, appreciating it for all the work it does for you - the fact it carries you around EVERYDAY - then you see the joy in what you are doing for yourself and you feel more inclined to keep it up. It's a shift in mindset that makes all the difference.

If it's too much of a stretch to see your body as perfect and beautiful physically, you can begin by appreciating it for it's functionality. You can't deny that the fact you can walk, breathe and exist with ease is it's own little miracle. Celebrate and thank your body for that! Not everyone is born with functioning limbs and a healthy heart. Try to put into perspective the minor ailments that can distress you and focus on the overall positives that you have.

Once we begin to love and respect our bodies for all they give us we will start to choose healthier foods and lifestyle patterns. It's a win-win!

There is no perfect body - or perhaps, it is better to say that they are ALL PERFECT bodies. Yours, mine - everyones. We are all different and therein lies the beauty.

To quote the wise sage Fatboy Slim,
"If everybody looked the same we'd get tired of looking at each other."


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I love my body

I love my body

"I create peacefulness in my mind, and my body reflects this peacefulness as perfect health."

Your mind and body are so intricately linked that when you treat one a certain way the other reacts in response to that treatment.

Your body is so sensitive to the way that you think about yourself that if you have negativity in your mind it can flow through to your body. For example, anxious thoughts (which are based on fears) can create panic attacks that produce real physical symptoms in the body; negative self image thoughts can bring on cravings and emotional eating that cause further weight gain. These are just two of many examples.

The angels encourage you today to try ingesting only loving and peaceful thoughts. If you are unwell, or injured, send love and care to those areas of your body that need to heal. Treat them like a small child - encourage them, appreciate them for all they do. By attaching negative, harmful thoughts to the situation you only prolong the illness or injury. When you support your own healing with your loving intentions you give your body permission to move on from the current situation it is stuck in.

Instead of thinking, "My stupid foot, I can't believe I've injured it, now I can't run. Why can't it just hurry up and fix." Think, "Thank you, foot, for carrying me as long as you have. I obviously need some attention and care at this time. Perhaps I need to slow down for a minute. Thank you for reminding me of that. I will support you while you heal and we will move forward together when we are both ready."

By loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are you remove the ability to think damaging thoughts about not being good enough. It is from this point that you are able to create more healthy and vital situations for yourself and your body.


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Monday, 24 June 2013

All my relationships are harmonious

All my relationships are harmonious

"When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always."

The angels are encouraging you today to reflect upon your relationship with self. With the super moon passing over our skies last night it is a fantastic time to freely release old, unwanted patterns and thoughts you hold about yourself.

Think of your internal emotional and spiritual environment as a beautiful garden. All gardens need loving attention so that they don't become overrun by weeds and debris. Lovingly attend to your inner garden, watering and fertilising it with positive and affirmative thoughts. Weed away all the spindly negative 'weeds' that stop you from being able to enjoy the wonderful flowers that live there.

Picture how beautiful your inner garden can be. Imagine all the gorgeous flowers - so many colours, so vibrant, such delicious perfumes. Continue to visit there throughout the day, making sure that whenever you notice a weed you lovingly pluck it away and plant a lovely thought flower in it's place.

As you continue to tend to your inner garden you will find that your outer environment will respond. When you live in love and positivity the universe has no choice but to create a world for you that supports that.

Get gardening you gorgeous green thumbs!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louse. L. Hay)

Friday, 21 June 2013

Dreaming of you

Dreaming of you

Today the angels are reminding you that we are all connected energetically. Whether you are far away from someone geographically, or they are no longer here on Earth, you are still connected.

Have you ever had one of those instances where you have been thinking of someone you haven't spoken to for a while then out of the blue they call/text/email you? This is our energetic connection at work. Through our thoughts and loving intentions we send out energy to those people we care about, and the fabulous thing is - that love is actually received! Consciously or not when we send love to another being they receive that love.

This works wonderfully when someone is unwell. By taking the time to sit quietly and focus our thoughts on sending them healing energy or light we are giving them much needed assistance.

We can also connect energetically with someone who has passed away. We are all souls in essence and as such we never truly go away. If you are missing someone who is no longer here take the time to send them some love, talk with them and sit quietly to see what you receive in return.

We can all benefit from sending each other a little extra bit of love. Why not take a few minutes out of your day to focus your thoughts with love on someone you haven't spoken to for a while. Maybe even send an email or text message out of the blue. It is amazing how much this can contribute to someone having a wonderful day.


(Card deck: Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 20 June 2013



"Travel, Romance, Potential"

There's something in the air today, especially this evening. If you've been hiding under a rock lately the angels suggest that now is a good time to get out and show your face to the world. They are telling me that there are people in your life who love you dearly, and who want to share their love and happiness with you.

Don't underestimate the wonderful potential that shared energies can create. Maybe it's talking to someone about an idea you have and they amazingly have the next piece to your puzzle. Or perhaps there's someone that the universe would like you to meet. Make yourself available to the world, and the universe, so that you can receive everything that is headed your way.

June 23 is our next full moon in Australia and has been coined the 'super moon'. This is when it sits closest to the earth. For the next few days leading up, and the days after, there will be all sorts of crazy, wonderful energies flying around.

Free your spirit into the loving arms of the mother moon and see what destiny has in store for you!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013



"Keep focused on your dream"

We all have beautiful, wonderful dreams for ourselves. Today the angels are encouraging you to stay clear in your mind about what it is that you want, and to believe that you have the ability within you to achieve it.

If it is a dream that is being realised enough that you can take some action on it then spend at least 5-10 minutes today DOING something to achieve it. If you dream is still an idea in your heart and mind then spend 5-10 minutes visualising it coming true and ask for guidance as to what steps you need to take.

Every action and thought we direct towards our dream brings it closer to reality. We are sending a clear message to the universe about what we want and we hold a clear belief that we WILL receive it.

Don't fall into the trap of procrastination or negative self talk today. They are nothing but tricks by your ego to try and hold you back from releasing the power within your soul. Once you can identify these cheeky tricks you can brush them aside and get on with being the person you were always meant to be.

Keep a special little spot in your heart for your dreams. Protect them, keep them safe and look after them like a precious child. Give them all the encouragement they need in order to become your reality.

Dream big people!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013



"Your primary relationship is with yourself and God, and every other relationship follows from there. To attract, heal, or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your loving Creator. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper."

Today the angels are reaching out to those of you who are having difficulty with a specific relationship in your life. The word they keep emphasising to me is "expectations". They are asking you to take a close look at the expectations you place in this relationship to determine whether they are reasonable.

It's easy to get so caught up in a relationship that we begin to expect things from our significant other that are actually things we are responsible for giving to ourselves. For example, have you ever found yourself in the situation where you are complaining, "I just wish he/she would show me more affection, more care - would make more effort to show that they love me."?

In this moment it is really important to take stock of our own ability to self love. Chances are you've been neglecting yourself, or paying too much attention to those negative and doubtful thoughts, which send you seeking affirmation and approval from someone else. If you can turn those requests back onto yourself, "I just wish I would show me more affection, more care - would make more effort to show that I love me.", you'll find that what others think of you becomes almost inconsequential.

So the key today is to first give yourself whatever it is that you are seeking from others in your life. This opens you up to be more accepting and understanding of their needs as well as your own.

In order to feel like you are first priority you need to treat yourself as first priority... then others will follow your lead!

Be your number one best friend today and allow the love from others to seamlessly flow your way.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Monday, 17 June 2013

Yemanya - Golden Opportunity

Yemanya - Golden Opportunity

"Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them."

Yemanya is the African / Brazilian goddess of the sea. Today she is with you to let you know that the sign / opportunity / opening you have been waiting for has arrived. She is a wonderful nurturer and Mother Earth goddess so whilst she is nudging you forward she is also lovingly and gently supporting you through the entire process.

Sometimes when we are told an opportunity has arisen we can get nervous and think, "But I'm not ready". Yemanya wants you to know that another doorway will always open later down the track if you can't step through this one today. This is also true for those of you who are afraid that you can't recognise the opportunity that is in your life right now. If it is aligned with your soul purpose it will persist until you can see the way. There's no need to worry.

For those of you who feel ready and who can see the gift in front of them - get to it! Today is the most wonderful day for realising your dreams and jumping on a universal wave that you can ride right into the shore.

The universe is constantly giving us gifts. It is our job to recognise and receive them.

Be wonderfully happy today people!


(Card deck: Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Friday, 14 June 2013

I release all fears and doubts

I release all fears and doubts

"I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I am loved and I am safe."

Following on from yesterday, today is all about acceptance and love. Yes, you are worthy and yes, you are wonderful. It really is as simple as that. For all those negative, nagging thoughts that tell you otherwise? They are wrong.

Please sit with this for a moment. When you were born you were beautiful, pure and perfect. Events, experiences and actions may have happened to you, or around you, throughout your life but they cannot touch your soul. You will always remain beautiful, pure and perfect.

You will always remain beautiful, pure and perfect.

With this in mind release the unwanted stories that you tell about yourself. When they creep up just keep reminding yourself that your soul is untouchable. Nothing and no-one can change the perfect beauty that is within you. It is however up to you to choose to free that wonderful soul out into the world.

Today repeat to yourself: "I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I am loved and I am safe."


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Life is simple and easy

Life is simple and easy

"All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself and I trust life. All is well."

Before going to sleep last night I pulled this card, then I pulled it again for you this morning. 

The message from the angels is to relax. Sometimes we get so focused on trying to achieve our soul purpose that we turn it into a chore. We can be hard on ourselves if we perceive we're not doing enough, or we can feel a reluctance at working on ourselves because it feels too hard.

Life is about joy.

Do things because they feel good to you. Do them because they fill your heart with love and joy. Make choices and decisions based on the knowing that it will make you happy. 

That is all that is asked of you today. Let your actions and words be fueled by joy and watch how they multiply in your world.


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Spiritual Connection

Spiritual Connection

"You are one with the Universal Source of Love. You are a spiritual being connected to a wellspring of vitality, strength, and inner power."

Today the image on our card is a beautiful mandala by Jo Thomas Blaine. It is the Mother Ocean mandala and it connects us in with our greater spiritual mother - the Universe. You are being reminded today that you are so deeply loved by the universal loving God, however you perceive it to be, and the angels. For me, the word God is synonymous with the Universal Loving Energy that is all around us, supporting us to be all that we can be. The angels are messengers that exist midway between here and the Universe, communicating and supporting all our wishes and needs.

Anything and everything that you ever need is held within the arms of the Universe. It is your job to love and respect yourself, to value the person that you are, and to know that you deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer. It is your born right to be filled with joy.

There is no-one in this world who is more deserving than you. The Universe is built on an energy of abundance - it is limitless - it can cater for everything you need.

Tune into your beautiful, colourful soul and see the wonder that lies there. Listen carefully to the true dreams of your heart and take some time today to believe that they will come true.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Jewel within a Teardrop

Jewel within a Teardrop

"Appreciation, Spiritual & Emotional Reconnection"

A jewel within a teardrop. Such beautiful imagery; for in all release and letting go we bring ourselves closer to our true spirit.

Think about the image of a teardrop - delicate and perfectly formed. Now imagine in the centre of the teardrop a beautiful, glistening jewel. Like a diamond or a clear quartz, it is pure and gently sparkling. Feel the jewel growing larger and brighter until it eventually grows larger than the teardrop and it's light shines so brightly that it's all you can see.

This is a beautiful metaphor for whenever we face sadness, pain or loss. To see that within the hurt that there is a wonderful new beginning, a true gift that will, in it's own time, shine brighter than any of the pain you have felt. The positive in every negative. Try to hold this vision with you whenever you need help to get yourself through a difficult situation. Even if the jewel is only tiny to begin with, trust that it will grow bigger and brighter the more faith and trust you place in it.

By trusting and believing in the jewel we are in fact trusting and believing in ourselves - in our soul / spirit / true self - whatever you wish to call it. We are trusting that everything has a purpose and we are aways divinely guided and supported in everything that we do.

You are never alone. The angels are always walking beside you - waiting for you to invite them to help you. Ask for their assistance and you will receive it. All you need to do is trust and believe that the help will come, and perhaps most importantly, believe that you DESERVE the love and guidance. You are perfect just as you are and need only feel love and compassion for yourself.

Trust and believe in the jewel existing within the teardrop - it is always there for you.


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Friday, 7 June 2013



"Clearing away obstacles, Protection, Guidance"

Today's card is one of my all time favourites - Ganesha, the beautiful elephant headed god. He is one of the five prime Hindu deities.

Work with Ganesha to remove any obstacles that are in your path, call upon him to make the way clear. Sit with the beauty in the imagery of this card. Stare into Ganesha's eyes and feel the burdens being lifted away from you. Whenever you are feeling stressed or blocked you can call upon Ganesha to help you - to protect you and give your guidance where needed.

The angels are telling me that they pick Ganesha in particular today to focus on the element of guidance. For those of you in Melbourne, this weekend is the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival. If you get the chance it's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the healing world, learning about different modalities and perhaps finding some of the guidance you need. Wander around the stalls and ask yourself what you are drawn to. Trust your inner voice and go discover more. The angels will be whispering in your ear telling you just what you need!

One stand close to my heart is the Blue Angel stand, with my fantastic Master Teacher, Martine. If you like the Gaia Oracle and Angels, Gods & Goddesses cards that I often use, you'll be able to find them there plus many more!

Perhaps over the weekend you could also take some time to read up on some topics that have interested you, but you've never taken the time to know more about. The internet is such a wonderful resource that enables us to learn and grow.


(Card deck Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Angel of Relaxation

Angel of Relaxation

"Let go of desired outcomes and you will get what you want."

The last few days have been a lot about putting your intentions out into the universe. Today is about taking a foot off the pedal and resting in the reassurance that everything is going to plan and you needn't stress over it.

Remember the analogy of putting in your order for dinner? Well you have placed your order and now it's time to enjoy the chit chat with friends while you wait for the meal to be cooked. Enjoy life - live a little, laugh a lot and remember how fantastic it is to be a human being!

We are here to experience joy, in whatever form it takes. If for you at this time joy looks like sitting on the couch watching a crappy tv movie then go ahead and do it! But maybe your joy is taking a long walk in nature, through some beautiful trees - or maybe by a creek?

Today do whatever it is that is going to make you feel relaxed and at ease. Be gentle with yourself and recognise how hard you have been working. That trip to the masseurs might just be in order for this afternoon? The more we look after ourselves through nurturing and loving the better human we become!


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Angel of Finances

Angel of Finances

"Honour, give thanks and value the blessings you are about to receive."

As anyone who works with abundance will tell you, the key factor to you leading an abundant life is believing that having an abundant life is possible. In order to receive you must be open to receiving.

Are you someone who is always searching for that little bit more but deep down has the belief that you'll always be stuck in the same position? In holding the belief that things won't change (despite you desperately wanting them to), the universe receives the message that things shouldn't change. So they don't. It's very common but something that with a little effort we can adjust.

Take some time to meditate upon today's image. Feel yourself absorbing the luscious gold light that surrounds the angel in this picture. Drink it in, let it fill your being. Breathe deeply in the knowing that you already have great wealth inside of you. Feel the gold light unlocking all those blocks within you that say there's never enough, or you don't deserve more. Release them to the universe.

Be grateful for the wonderful things that you do have in your life, and imagine how fantastic it will feel to have even more. Hold onto this feeling as if you already have these things. For today imagine that you are the wealthiest person in the world. That's not to say go and spend more money than you have, but live from the energy that you are an abundant being who has everything that they need and more.

Start giving the universe the messages that you want it to follow: "I am abundant" "Money flows to me easily""I always have more than enough money to buy the things that I want and need"

Thank the universe for providing: "I thank the universe for the wonderful gifts it always provides me with" "I am grateful to have the loving support of the universe and all the angels"

Begin living your abundant life today!


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Release your fears

Release your fears

"It is time to challenge the fear that is limiting you. Confront the fear, and the power it holds over you will disappear."

Today I was guided to pull a card from a pregnancy deck, with the reassurance that the message would be for all of you out there, not just the mums to be. Of course those of you who are pregnant may want to relate this message more directly to your pregnancy.

The mandala on this card features beautiful butterflies, symbolising the metamorphosis that we are all going through. Each time we are faced with a new challenge in our life a new metamorphosis occurs as we inch closer to the soul being we were born to become.

Today's challenge is not an unfamiliar one, as it something that we have been doing some work on over the last few weeks. It's that pesky fear that is trapping us into being our mediocre self. It's important for me to make it very clear here that mediocre is not a label for particular things - i.e. "If I work a desk job instead of being a movie star I'm living a mediocre life." In this context being mediocre refers to being less than your full self, hiding behind fears that tell you that you're not good enough and settling for feeling 'ok' but not truly happy. It's time to stop letting the fear trap us in our mediocrity.

Be like the caterpillar today - it doesn't know when it enters the cocoon exactly what it's going to come out the other side like, but it does it anyway. It's a scary thought to take away all that's familiar and just trust that if you release the fear and keep on going something beautiful will occur. But it will. It always does.

So trust today. Release your fears and trust that what's to come will be bigger and more beautiful than you could ever imagine.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

Monday, 3 June 2013

My Life Story and the Law of Attraction...

My Life Story and the Law of Attraction...

"Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction's response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body's state of wellness, clarity, flexibility; size and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewards - indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general - is all happening because of the story you tell."

It's Monday and let's start the week with a fresh perspective and a loving outlook on life. Everything that has happened up to this point is part of the past, and everything that is in front of us is a future that we have yet to create.

The angels are empowering you today to create the mental framework from which you can build all the wonderful things you want in your life. But don't just think these positive, creative thoughts - FEEL them. Louise Hay explains it perfectly - it's like ordering a meal at a restaurant. We read the menu, put in our order to the waiter and then we wait for the meal to arrive. We don't panic or doubt that the meal will come to our table, we just trust that when the time is right and the meal has been prepared and cooked, it will be brought out to us just as we requested.

It's the same with the universe. Dream your life, your hopes, wishes and goals. Put in your order to the universe and trust and believe that it will come to you. Don't panic if it isn't there instantaneously, don't get into that dark space thinking "it's too impossible, it can't really happen." Just put your order in and go about the rest of your day, knowing in your heart that once the universe has cooked it all up for you it will arrive.

So let's start today by loving and dreaming, knowing that anything we can think we can create.


(Card deck: Money, and the Law of Attraction cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks)

Friday, 31 May 2013

Divine Wisdom Guides Me

Divine Wisdom Guides Me

"I am guided throughout this day in making the right choices. Divine intelligence continuously guides me in the realisation of my goals. I am safe."

What a beautiful card for today. I am getting particular reference today to those of you who have been trying to lead a healthier lifestyle but have been hitting some 'roadblocks' (also known as delicious chocolate, yummy coffee, tipple of wine etc). Ask the angels for their help with the choices you are making around the foods and beverages you are consuming. Ask that they help you to crave only nourishing and healthful foods.

You may like to repeat this mantra to yourself "I choose foods and beverages that nourish my whole being. My body thrives off the goodness that I provide it with. I am healthy, energetic and full of vitality."

It's Friday, and we all know that's the time of the week that can be the trickiest for giving our bodies goodness. Don't beat yourself up if you consume things that aren't ideal for you. Continue to love yourself and simply take steps to build back the nourishment in whatever way you can.

Enjoy your weekend!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Thursday, 30 May 2013

God of Spiritual Healing

God of Spiritual Healing

"An aspect of you, or a situation in your life is in need of healing."

As I was pulling today's card I kept receiving the message over and over "be gentle". The angels are reminding you that everything in your life needs to be done in balance. There is no point over working yourself, or partying too hard - your body relies on a balance of energy to keep you going from day to day.

Take some time today to think about where in your life you might be going a bit too hard, where you could afford to pull back a bit and invest energy elsewhere in your life. The more harmonious you can be in all aspects of your life, the better they will all function as a whole.

It's that old situation - you haven't been sick for months yet you've been working like a dog - it's amazing! But don't you know it, as soon as you take that one week holiday you get knocked down with the flu that keeps you in bed for the entire time. What is our body telling us? We don't have enough balance. We've been sending our body the message that we don't have the time or energy to work on healing aspects of our life and so it views your holiday as an invitation to get into that backlog of healing work that needs to be done.

How to avoid it? Get some balance. Allow yourself time to rest and play along with your work demands. Or alternatively, give yourself some peace and quiet time away from the hectic party life.

The much needed reflective time always brings us closer to our spiritual home - the soul, which enables us to see clearly and purposefully into our future.


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddess by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 29 May 2013



"Breaking free from a negative attachment"

Today's card carries with it a lightness, a release and a sense of being able to breathe clearer. The angels want you to know that they are giving you the tools to release all that is no longer wanted or needed. The full moon earlier in the week saw an ending to things that don't serve us and now is the perfect time to ensure that all those negative thoughts and energies are swept away and transformed by the universe.

The beautiful dove in this image is able to freely stretch it's wings and rise up into the light in all it's glory. Take a moment to feel the restriction you have been subconsciously carrying. Breathe in deeply and on the exhale open your arms out and stretch as far as you possibly can. Visualise all the weight and dark energy being swept off your shoulders and disappearing into the air. Repeat this a few times until you can feel the new lightness within you.

Release the unwanted and allow yourself to feel the freedom that new possibilities can bring.

Play some beautiful, uplifting music and DANCE! Enjoy being alive - life is all about joy so live it!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Tree House has a sick bub today so would appreciate you sending your healing love and warmth little Sunday's way.

So, with illness in our energy space I am using the Archangel Raphael Healing cards for today's reading for those of you out there who might also be a little under the weather. Archangel Raphael is a master healer.


"Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me enjoy the benefits of sunshine in safe and healthy ways."

With Winter only a few days away, the angels are reminding us all of the healing benefits of sunlight. It might seem difficult on grey and dreary days to get the hit of sun you crave, but it's healing effects can still be felt, even through the clouds. There is much evidence nowadays noting the importance of Vitamin D for healthy functioning, and the sun is our best source of Vitamin D.

On those days where it isn't possible to get outside for some rays, make an effort to find a beautiful, sunny picture that you can use as the desktop image on your computer, or lock screen on your phone. These will contribute in their own way to helping your body feel the benefits of the sun. It may also be helpful to eat sunny coloured fruits and vegetables like mandarins, oranges, pumpkin, squash, apricots etc.

Dress yourself in warm, uplifting colours and allow this to help create a bubble of sunshine around you.

Remember, the sun is your friend!


(Card deck: Archangel Raphael Healing cards by Doreen Vitrtue)

Friday, 24 May 2013

Flame of Love

Flame of Love

"Allow the infinite power of love within you to radiate unconditionally in all directions, yet stand tall in your sense of self and in your own truth. The healing power of love will help you burn through all illusion and you will discover new possibilities. This is a powerful time of transformation, ideas and creativity."

Let your light shine brightly, beautiful one. As we spoke about a few days ago with harmonious relationships, there is so much strength in you filling your being with love and letting it flow from you. Visualise a rose coloured flame in the centre of your heart. Watch it as it grows stronger and burns brighter and brighter. Now allow this rose coloured flame to expand outside your being, spreading it's love and warmth on everyone that it touches.

Make sure you take the time to allow yourself to bask in this loving, rose glow. You are a being that lives and thrives on love. First and foremost you must give this love to yourself so that you are full and complete.

There is nothing more important, right in this moment, than for you to stop and imagine this love within you. Let it wrap itself around you in all its softness and warmth.

You are a perfect being. You are worthy of love.


(Card deck: Spirit Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

What do you love?

When I asked the angels this morning which cards to pick they reminded me of the women's circle I attended last night, and to share with you the questions that it focused on. 

They were two very simple yet in some ways incredibly complex questions - What do you love and what is holding you back?

I think for a lot of people the first response is, "Well, I love my family and friends", which of course is true, but this question is asking you to delve deeper, to ask your soul what it truly loves.

For me, I love synchronicity - the moments that seem like brilliant coincidences but that you know are more than that. There is nothing more fulfilling than recognising and following the guidance of one of these messages from above. I love expanding and opening my conversations with the angels and with the universe in all it's beauty. I love helping other people to reach that same level of communication with their higher selves, their guides and angels. 

What is holding you back is such a layered question, as for many of us we might know where we are being held back but are not able to truly pinpoint what it is that is causing the block. More often than not it is a fear, and a fear is always linked to a belief that is either conscious or unconscious.

For me, my mind still wrestles with beliefs about abundance, or lack thereof. My job is to delve in and find out where those beliefs live and release them so that they can no longer take hold of me.

What is holding you back? Even if you don't know what the underlying belief is, just beginning by asking yourself the question is a wonderful place to start. 

So today, that is the angels' wish for you - to ask yourselves these two beautiful and powerful questions.

What do I love?

What is holding me back?

The power you can find in those answers is limitless.


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

All My Relationships Are Harmonious

All My Relationships Are Harmonious

"When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always."

Today highlights the importance of creating our world within so that it may be replicated in our outer world. You know those meetings or catch ups you have from time to time that you have fear or apprehension about? Your internal state deeply affects the outcome of those situations. If you can enter into situations with a hopeful and caring heart the outcome will always be better than had you gone in expecting the worst.

Try it today. Notice your emotions and internal state as you go about your daily interactions. Are there certain people that you stiffen up at, or have that sinking feeling about, before you've even opened your mouth? Try your best to stop, breathe and allow feelings of love and openness to wash over you. Just try.

The energy you project into the world is a signal for the universe as to how you'd like your world to be. If you want it to be happy and harmonious then go about your day giving off those same intentions.

Wishing you all the most fabulous day...


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Everything I Touch is a Success

"I now establish a new awareness of success. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be. I move into the Winning Circle. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me."

I kid you not people, out of a 64 card deck we pulled out this very same card from yesterday! There is obviously something more that we need to get out of this card.

When I ask the angels what it is that we've missed, or that we might need to focus on more specifically, they tell me that it's all about ACTION.

Believing in the possibilities is a huge part of creation, but they want you to actually take steps forward today. They know that this can seem overwhelming for people, as sometimes we are left feeling "but where on earth do I start?" Start small. Start by making a phone call, sending an email - some sort of enquiry, anything that energetically gets the ball rolling in your favour. It might even be having a conversation with someone you trust about what you want to achieve so that you are putting your words out into the universe and setting them a course.

Remember to say yes, wherever it is possible and feels right. Don't confuse fear for a red light. If your stomach flutters at a suggestion or offer someone puts your way, challenge yourself to determine, "Am I feeling this way because its a bad idea, or because I'm just afraid and have some doubts about myself?"

Go forth and create wonderful things!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Lousie. L. Hay)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Everything I touch is a success

Everything I Touch is a Success

"I now establish a new awareness of success. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be. I move into the Winning Circle. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me."

What a power packed week this is going to be if we're starting off like this! The angels are asking you to take the time today to set your week up by resetting any unhelpful thoughts and programming your mind with positivity and confidence. Repeat the above affirmation any time you need a reminder to focus yourself throughout the day.

It is often spoken about being 'in the flow'. Today is a day to believe in yourself, to believe in your worth and all you deserve so that you can catch that flow and all the good things it is waiting to bring to you. Practice being open and believing that you deserve great things so that the universe can do it's job and bring them to you!

You are a weaver of magic today. You create your own destiny - it's time to start creating a fabulous one.


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

Friday, 17 May 2013

Stay Focused

Stay Focused - Kuthumi

Kuthumi has come to you today to give you a boost of motivation and inspiration. You have been in the process of change,  of working towards your divine purpose and now you are being encouraged to continue on. It's easy to get distracted by the many tasks and obligations we have in our day to day lives, but Kuthumi urges you to stay focused and keep your ultimate goal in sight.

Try not to jump off on too many tangents, or make your task bigger than it needs to be. Spend some quiet time contemplating exactly what it is that you want to achieve then create the steps to get yourself there. Make sure each time you meet one of these mini goals or steps that you acknowledge and celebrate yourself for getting one step closer to your true self's passion and purpose.

Just remember, a person driving from one side of the country to the other in the middle of the night can't see the whole distance across - only a few metres in front of them at a time. This is all we need, to see a few metres in front of ourselves as we go and eventually we will reach our destination. Have faith and trust, but most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!


(Kuthumi is an Ascended Master. Ascended Masters are spiritual beings who once walked the Earth like us but are enlightened and thus elevated to this higher position. More common Ascended Masters you might know of are Quan Yin and Buddha. Call upon Kuthumi whenever you feel like you need some motivation or to regain focus.)

(Card deck: Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Angel of Communication

Angel of Communication

"Communicate clearly; don't be afraid to tell it like it is."

Today is a day to say what you really mean. You've done so much hard work on the inside building up your courage and belief, now is the time to let some of that out into the world. The only way for you to continue realising your dreams to be honest on the inside and out. If someone or something is standing in the way of you moving forward it's important that you let them know.

Many people have a fear of 'confrontation'. It's important to remember that you get to decide how your interactions will people feel. Sure, they might not like what you say, or might react unfavourably, but you will never be able to control that - so why worry about it?

Just put yourself into your heart and speak your words with love and care. If you need a bit of extra support visualise a turquoise blue light surrounding your throat area so that it feels full and strong, and a deep yellow light in your tummy area. Don't forget to breathe!

You are the central most important being in your world. Please make sure you look after yourself by letting people know what you need. Things can't change unless you take steps to change them. Also, don't underestimate the benefit others can gain from hearing your words.

Speak your truth today beautiful creature!


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013



"Release the past to the eternal winds and allow new energies to enter your life. You are a creation that is vast and endless, with no beginning and no end. Allow your life to flow like a river, for the spirit of love will guide you and keep you safe."

Today's card interestingly continues on from yesterday. We are in a process of release. Just like the picture depicts, behind the storm and darkness there is always the sunlight waiting to shine through. At times we might not see it but it is always there. The clouds need to release all their rain before they can move on and make way for clear skies.

The angels are also reminding me today to tell you that you are not your past. Your past is nothing but a story. Yes, some things can feel a lot more real than others, but ultimately your past is only a memory in your mind. It is now up to you how you want to tell your story, and how you want the future of your story to unfold.

Allow your heart to fill with love, spilling over onto your whole body, making you feel safe, calm and at peace.


(Card deck: Spirit Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Kali - Endings and Beginnings

"The old must be released so that the new can enter."

We've been working hard the last few days to expand ourselves and acknowledge ourselves for the beautiful beings we truly are. Kali is here today to show us that there are still some old beliefs that we need to let go of before we can wholly and completely move forward into the next phase of our lives. The hard work you have been doing has put you in the perfect position to release these unwanted thoughts and beliefs once and for all. Don't feel dismayed, this is a wonderful thing as it means that the efforts you have been making are being noticed by the angels, and they are encouraging you to continue on.

The image of Kali depicted in this card shows her third eye wide open and seeing clearly into the future. If you feel like you need some more clarity or direction you can check to see if your third eye is open. Simply close your eyes, take some deep breaths and focus on the point in between your two eyebrows. With loving intention ask your third eye to completely open itself to allow you to see clearly.  Affirm that you will trust and follow the guidance that it gives you.

Remember today, every perceived 'ending' is an absolute gift as it brings with it the space and promise for new beginnings and possibilities in your life.


(Card deck: Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Monday, 13 May 2013

Goddess of Strength

Goddess of Strength

"Stand up for what you believe. You will gain respect by standing your ground."

As you begin to take steps towards achieving your dreams, don't be swayed or downtrodden by the opinions of others. If advice or suggestions don't feel right to you then don't follow them.

This is your dream and the angels and universe will support your efforts as long as you remain true to what is right for you. You are a powerful being who has all the power within to realise and create all those things you wish for. In time those around you will see that you knew the right way all along.

The Goddess of Strength is with you today. Call upon her whenever you are feeling doubts or are unsure of how to tackle a situation. She will be right beside you, filling you with all the courage and confidence you need to move forward.

Affirm this to yourself, "I am a strong, powerful being who is filled with love. I take action where it is needed and speak freely from my heart. I create my own destiny."


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Friday, 10 May 2013

Angel of Self Worth

Angel of Self Worth

"You are currently undervaluing yourself. It's time to regain your self worth."

The Angel of Self Worth is here today to carry on the message from yesterday. You have been holding yourself back for too long and now it's time to allow the true you to shine through.

A big part of your fears, and what's holding you back, is that you have the belief that you're not good enough. Perhaps the belief is buried so deep down that you didn't even know you had it, or perhaps it's like an old friend that you've never been quite able to let go of. Either way, this belief does not serve you.

You are perfect, whole and complete. Just as you are.

Yes, we can always strive to achieve more, or work to be a better version of ourselves - but that is all perception. Stripped back we are all wonderfully perfect and individual souls who are here to generate more love and joy in the world. Think about that for a second.

If your one purpose here was to create more love and joy, how would you live your life?

Would you be free of the judgments of others? Would you allow yourself to be seen for everything you know you can be? Of course you would, because you would trust in the knowledge that all your choices and decisions are correct as long as they are made with love.

Apply this theory to yourself today. Every time you have a thought, decision or choice encourage yourself to look at it from perspective of love. Not only love for others, but more importantly love for yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat the four year old version of you. Encourage them, support them, guide them with love.

Love is the only reality.


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Notice the signs

Notice the signs

"Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

Hello? Hello? Is there anyone there?

The angels are trying relentlessly to communicate with you. We had this card only two days ago and from a deck of 44 cards it appears again!

They are nudging you, urging you to take that first step; to trust that it is the right thing to do. There is no place in your life for fear anymore. It has stopped you from doing too many things already and now enough is enough. Take a deep breath in and slowly release out all the tension and fears that have been bound up inside you.

Today is your day! (to quote the wise and wonderful Dr Seuss)

No more holding back, no more being smaller than you know you deserve to be. The only thing that stands in the way of your ultimate happiness is you. Release and allow yourself to live in the flow of life. Take those chances and most importantly, trust in the signs that the angels have been delivering you along the way. Trust them. Don't think yourself silly for believing that they could be real. Who are you to decide that they're not real?

Today is a special, special day for you. Affirm that you control the destiny of your day and that you will accept only wonderful things coming into your life.

There is much love around you today.
