Tuesday 21 May 2013


Everything I Touch is a Success

"I now establish a new awareness of success. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be. I move into the Winning Circle. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me."

I kid you not people, out of a 64 card deck we pulled out this very same card from yesterday! There is obviously something more that we need to get out of this card.

When I ask the angels what it is that we've missed, or that we might need to focus on more specifically, they tell me that it's all about ACTION.

Believing in the possibilities is a huge part of creation, but they want you to actually take steps forward today. They know that this can seem overwhelming for people, as sometimes we are left feeling "but where on earth do I start?" Start small. Start by making a phone call, sending an email - some sort of enquiry, anything that energetically gets the ball rolling in your favour. It might even be having a conversation with someone you trust about what you want to achieve so that you are putting your words out into the universe and setting them a course.

Remember to say yes, wherever it is possible and feels right. Don't confuse fear for a red light. If your stomach flutters at a suggestion or offer someone puts your way, challenge yourself to determine, "Am I feeling this way because its a bad idea, or because I'm just afraid and have some doubts about myself?"

Go forth and create wonderful things!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Lousie. L. Hay)

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