Tuesday 11 June 2013

Jewel within a Teardrop

Jewel within a Teardrop

"Appreciation, Spiritual & Emotional Reconnection"

A jewel within a teardrop. Such beautiful imagery; for in all release and letting go we bring ourselves closer to our true spirit.

Think about the image of a teardrop - delicate and perfectly formed. Now imagine in the centre of the teardrop a beautiful, glistening jewel. Like a diamond or a clear quartz, it is pure and gently sparkling. Feel the jewel growing larger and brighter until it eventually grows larger than the teardrop and it's light shines so brightly that it's all you can see.

This is a beautiful metaphor for whenever we face sadness, pain or loss. To see that within the hurt that there is a wonderful new beginning, a true gift that will, in it's own time, shine brighter than any of the pain you have felt. The positive in every negative. Try to hold this vision with you whenever you need help to get yourself through a difficult situation. Even if the jewel is only tiny to begin with, trust that it will grow bigger and brighter the more faith and trust you place in it.

By trusting and believing in the jewel we are in fact trusting and believing in ourselves - in our soul / spirit / true self - whatever you wish to call it. We are trusting that everything has a purpose and we are aways divinely guided and supported in everything that we do.

You are never alone. The angels are always walking beside you - waiting for you to invite them to help you. Ask for their assistance and you will receive it. All you need to do is trust and believe that the help will come, and perhaps most importantly, believe that you DESERVE the love and guidance. You are perfect just as you are and need only feel love and compassion for yourself.

Trust and believe in the jewel existing within the teardrop - it is always there for you.


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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