Friday 17 May 2013

Stay Focused

Stay Focused - Kuthumi

Kuthumi has come to you today to give you a boost of motivation and inspiration. You have been in the process of change,  of working towards your divine purpose and now you are being encouraged to continue on. It's easy to get distracted by the many tasks and obligations we have in our day to day lives, but Kuthumi urges you to stay focused and keep your ultimate goal in sight.

Try not to jump off on too many tangents, or make your task bigger than it needs to be. Spend some quiet time contemplating exactly what it is that you want to achieve then create the steps to get yourself there. Make sure each time you meet one of these mini goals or steps that you acknowledge and celebrate yourself for getting one step closer to your true self's passion and purpose.

Just remember, a person driving from one side of the country to the other in the middle of the night can't see the whole distance across - only a few metres in front of them at a time. This is all we need, to see a few metres in front of ourselves as we go and eventually we will reach our destination. Have faith and trust, but most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!


(Kuthumi is an Ascended Master. Ascended Masters are spiritual beings who once walked the Earth like us but are enlightened and thus elevated to this higher position. More common Ascended Masters you might know of are Quan Yin and Buddha. Call upon Kuthumi whenever you feel like you need some motivation or to regain focus.)

(Card deck: Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

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