Friday 10 May 2013

Angel of Self Worth

Angel of Self Worth

"You are currently undervaluing yourself. It's time to regain your self worth."

The Angel of Self Worth is here today to carry on the message from yesterday. You have been holding yourself back for too long and now it's time to allow the true you to shine through.

A big part of your fears, and what's holding you back, is that you have the belief that you're not good enough. Perhaps the belief is buried so deep down that you didn't even know you had it, or perhaps it's like an old friend that you've never been quite able to let go of. Either way, this belief does not serve you.

You are perfect, whole and complete. Just as you are.

Yes, we can always strive to achieve more, or work to be a better version of ourselves - but that is all perception. Stripped back we are all wonderfully perfect and individual souls who are here to generate more love and joy in the world. Think about that for a second.

If your one purpose here was to create more love and joy, how would you live your life?

Would you be free of the judgments of others? Would you allow yourself to be seen for everything you know you can be? Of course you would, because you would trust in the knowledge that all your choices and decisions are correct as long as they are made with love.

Apply this theory to yourself today. Every time you have a thought, decision or choice encourage yourself to look at it from perspective of love. Not only love for others, but more importantly love for yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat the four year old version of you. Encourage them, support them, guide them with love.

Love is the only reality.


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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