Thursday 23 May 2013

What do you love?

When I asked the angels this morning which cards to pick they reminded me of the women's circle I attended last night, and to share with you the questions that it focused on. 

They were two very simple yet in some ways incredibly complex questions - What do you love and what is holding you back?

I think for a lot of people the first response is, "Well, I love my family and friends", which of course is true, but this question is asking you to delve deeper, to ask your soul what it truly loves.

For me, I love synchronicity - the moments that seem like brilliant coincidences but that you know are more than that. There is nothing more fulfilling than recognising and following the guidance of one of these messages from above. I love expanding and opening my conversations with the angels and with the universe in all it's beauty. I love helping other people to reach that same level of communication with their higher selves, their guides and angels. 

What is holding you back is such a layered question, as for many of us we might know where we are being held back but are not able to truly pinpoint what it is that is causing the block. More often than not it is a fear, and a fear is always linked to a belief that is either conscious or unconscious.

For me, my mind still wrestles with beliefs about abundance, or lack thereof. My job is to delve in and find out where those beliefs live and release them so that they can no longer take hold of me.

What is holding you back? Even if you don't know what the underlying belief is, just beginning by asking yourself the question is a wonderful place to start. 

So today, that is the angels' wish for you - to ask yourselves these two beautiful and powerful questions.

What do I love?

What is holding me back?

The power you can find in those answers is limitless.


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