Monday 17 June 2013

Yemanya - Golden Opportunity

Yemanya - Golden Opportunity

"Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them."

Yemanya is the African / Brazilian goddess of the sea. Today she is with you to let you know that the sign / opportunity / opening you have been waiting for has arrived. She is a wonderful nurturer and Mother Earth goddess so whilst she is nudging you forward she is also lovingly and gently supporting you through the entire process.

Sometimes when we are told an opportunity has arisen we can get nervous and think, "But I'm not ready". Yemanya wants you to know that another doorway will always open later down the track if you can't step through this one today. This is also true for those of you who are afraid that you can't recognise the opportunity that is in your life right now. If it is aligned with your soul purpose it will persist until you can see the way. There's no need to worry.

For those of you who feel ready and who can see the gift in front of them - get to it! Today is the most wonderful day for realising your dreams and jumping on a universal wave that you can ride right into the shore.

The universe is constantly giving us gifts. It is our job to recognise and receive them.

Be wonderfully happy today people!


(Card deck: Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

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