Wednesday 10 July 2013

Sacred Space

Sacred Space

The angels are asking me today to remind you of the importance of creating a sacred space for yourself.

A sacred space, when created in line with your spirit, acts as a trigger that draws you into your internal world and allows you to feel centred and at peace.

Imagine what it looks like in the room inside your heart. All the things you love are in there and truly and uniquely reflect who you are. By creating a sacred space you are bringing a bit of that part of you into the external world, to remind you who you truly are.

It can be great to create a mini sacred space on your desk at work, or in your car - just to remind you that you are made of spirit. When the day gets busy, crazy and overwhelming your little space can serve as a reminder that all is well and that all the noise is just noise. You can choose to tune out.

When I was looking for a pic to post with this message today I came across a great article on creating sacred spaces for those of you who might not have created one before but would like to try. 

It's never a mistake that we come across these things. I suspect there might be a Tree House friend who lives in Sydney who is looking to work with someone up there. The angels are sending this message directly to you! Check out her website and see if you feel the calling.


(Pic from

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