Thursday 30 May 2013

God of Spiritual Healing

God of Spiritual Healing

"An aspect of you, or a situation in your life is in need of healing."

As I was pulling today's card I kept receiving the message over and over "be gentle". The angels are reminding you that everything in your life needs to be done in balance. There is no point over working yourself, or partying too hard - your body relies on a balance of energy to keep you going from day to day.

Take some time today to think about where in your life you might be going a bit too hard, where you could afford to pull back a bit and invest energy elsewhere in your life. The more harmonious you can be in all aspects of your life, the better they will all function as a whole.

It's that old situation - you haven't been sick for months yet you've been working like a dog - it's amazing! But don't you know it, as soon as you take that one week holiday you get knocked down with the flu that keeps you in bed for the entire time. What is our body telling us? We don't have enough balance. We've been sending our body the message that we don't have the time or energy to work on healing aspects of our life and so it views your holiday as an invitation to get into that backlog of healing work that needs to be done.

How to avoid it? Get some balance. Allow yourself time to rest and play along with your work demands. Or alternatively, give yourself some peace and quiet time away from the hectic party life.

The much needed reflective time always brings us closer to our spiritual home - the soul, which enables us to see clearly and purposefully into our future.


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddess by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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