Friday 5 July 2013

Purification (Fire)

Purification (Fire)

"Bare Essentials, The Naked Truth, Wholeness"

Today the angels are asking you to simplify. By taking some time over the weekend to get away from all the noise, hustle and bustle you will allow your senses to rest and to absorb the natural beauty in your world.

Perhaps you could make the decision to stay off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter; keep clear of newspapers and the telly. Maybe just try? As an experiment? You will be amazed at the wonderful things you see in your world that you pass by everyday.

In doing so you also create a closer bond with your inner self. In the silence you can hear the whisperings of your soul much more clearly. It might just be the perfect time to hear what your wise, beautiful soul has to say.

Saturday night is a new moon, which is perfect for new beginnings and releasing. In your lovely quiet state burn a nice candle and write your intentions for what you would like your world to be. Draw, cut and paste, write - whatever resonates best with you. It is an amazing time for creation and manifestation.

What do you want you to be, do and have?

It's time to create it!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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