Monday 24 June 2013

All my relationships are harmonious

All my relationships are harmonious

"When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always."

The angels are encouraging you today to reflect upon your relationship with self. With the super moon passing over our skies last night it is a fantastic time to freely release old, unwanted patterns and thoughts you hold about yourself.

Think of your internal emotional and spiritual environment as a beautiful garden. All gardens need loving attention so that they don't become overrun by weeds and debris. Lovingly attend to your inner garden, watering and fertilising it with positive and affirmative thoughts. Weed away all the spindly negative 'weeds' that stop you from being able to enjoy the wonderful flowers that live there.

Picture how beautiful your inner garden can be. Imagine all the gorgeous flowers - so many colours, so vibrant, such delicious perfumes. Continue to visit there throughout the day, making sure that whenever you notice a weed you lovingly pluck it away and plant a lovely thought flower in it's place.

As you continue to tend to your inner garden you will find that your outer environment will respond. When you live in love and positivity the universe has no choice but to create a world for you that supports that.

Get gardening you gorgeous green thumbs!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louse. L. Hay)

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