Wednesday 29 May 2013



"Breaking free from a negative attachment"

Today's card carries with it a lightness, a release and a sense of being able to breathe clearer. The angels want you to know that they are giving you the tools to release all that is no longer wanted or needed. The full moon earlier in the week saw an ending to things that don't serve us and now is the perfect time to ensure that all those negative thoughts and energies are swept away and transformed by the universe.

The beautiful dove in this image is able to freely stretch it's wings and rise up into the light in all it's glory. Take a moment to feel the restriction you have been subconsciously carrying. Breathe in deeply and on the exhale open your arms out and stretch as far as you possibly can. Visualise all the weight and dark energy being swept off your shoulders and disappearing into the air. Repeat this a few times until you can feel the new lightness within you.

Release the unwanted and allow yourself to feel the freedom that new possibilities can bring.

Play some beautiful, uplifting music and DANCE! Enjoy being alive - life is all about joy so live it!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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