Friday 21 June 2013

Dreaming of you

Dreaming of you

Today the angels are reminding you that we are all connected energetically. Whether you are far away from someone geographically, or they are no longer here on Earth, you are still connected.

Have you ever had one of those instances where you have been thinking of someone you haven't spoken to for a while then out of the blue they call/text/email you? This is our energetic connection at work. Through our thoughts and loving intentions we send out energy to those people we care about, and the fabulous thing is - that love is actually received! Consciously or not when we send love to another being they receive that love.

This works wonderfully when someone is unwell. By taking the time to sit quietly and focus our thoughts on sending them healing energy or light we are giving them much needed assistance.

We can also connect energetically with someone who has passed away. We are all souls in essence and as such we never truly go away. If you are missing someone who is no longer here take the time to send them some love, talk with them and sit quietly to see what you receive in return.

We can all benefit from sending each other a little extra bit of love. Why not take a few minutes out of your day to focus your thoughts with love on someone you haven't spoken to for a while. Maybe even send an email or text message out of the blue. It is amazing how much this can contribute to someone having a wonderful day.


(Card deck: Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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