Friday 31 May 2013

Divine Wisdom Guides Me

Divine Wisdom Guides Me

"I am guided throughout this day in making the right choices. Divine intelligence continuously guides me in the realisation of my goals. I am safe."

What a beautiful card for today. I am getting particular reference today to those of you who have been trying to lead a healthier lifestyle but have been hitting some 'roadblocks' (also known as delicious chocolate, yummy coffee, tipple of wine etc). Ask the angels for their help with the choices you are making around the foods and beverages you are consuming. Ask that they help you to crave only nourishing and healthful foods.

You may like to repeat this mantra to yourself "I choose foods and beverages that nourish my whole being. My body thrives off the goodness that I provide it with. I am healthy, energetic and full of vitality."

It's Friday, and we all know that's the time of the week that can be the trickiest for giving our bodies goodness. Don't beat yourself up if you consume things that aren't ideal for you. Continue to love yourself and simply take steps to build back the nourishment in whatever way you can.

Enjoy your weekend!


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

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