Thursday 13 June 2013

Life is simple and easy

Life is simple and easy

"All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself and I trust life. All is well."

Before going to sleep last night I pulled this card, then I pulled it again for you this morning. 

The message from the angels is to relax. Sometimes we get so focused on trying to achieve our soul purpose that we turn it into a chore. We can be hard on ourselves if we perceive we're not doing enough, or we can feel a reluctance at working on ourselves because it feels too hard.

Life is about joy.

Do things because they feel good to you. Do them because they fill your heart with love and joy. Make choices and decisions based on the knowing that it will make you happy. 

That is all that is asked of you today. Let your actions and words be fueled by joy and watch how they multiply in your world.


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

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