Wednesday 22 May 2013

All My Relationships Are Harmonious

All My Relationships Are Harmonious

"When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always."

Today highlights the importance of creating our world within so that it may be replicated in our outer world. You know those meetings or catch ups you have from time to time that you have fear or apprehension about? Your internal state deeply affects the outcome of those situations. If you can enter into situations with a hopeful and caring heart the outcome will always be better than had you gone in expecting the worst.

Try it today. Notice your emotions and internal state as you go about your daily interactions. Are there certain people that you stiffen up at, or have that sinking feeling about, before you've even opened your mouth? Try your best to stop, breathe and allow feelings of love and openness to wash over you. Just try.

The energy you project into the world is a signal for the universe as to how you'd like your world to be. If you want it to be happy and harmonious then go about your day giving off those same intentions.

Wishing you all the most fabulous day...


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

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