Wednesday 3 July 2013

Dog - I am a good friend

It is my little one's first birthday today - what a year! 

My wonderful Reiki master teacher, Martine, gave her some of Scott Alexander King's gorgeous Creature Teacher Cards. It felt right for us to have a reading with these cards to see what the angels wanted to tell you.

Dog - I am a good friend

This is just perfect to me, as the dog is my little one's favourite animal, in fact, it was the first proper word she has learnt to say!

I'm sure there are many things you think of when you think about the qualities of a dog. Loyalty and unconditional love are a couple, but what the angels are asking you to look at today is how you can benefit from being a good friend to those around you.

Sometimes when you work within, you can become immersed in self reflection and lose sight of the physical world that still remains around you. Yesterday you had the card of Grounding to remind you to honour and cherish your physical self as well as your soul.

Another way to honour your physical self in the outside world is to offer your love to those around you. It can actually be quite difficult to give unconditional love in the true sense of the word as we are all subjective beings and have our beliefs, opinions and judgments. If, however, we can give from a place of loving without expectation of receiving anything in return - that is giving in the purest sense and will in fact reap you the most rewards.

By loving others without expectation you are filling the world with wonderful energy, you are helping others to see the beauty in themselves and you are contributing to a state of peace. What better world to live in than one with peaceful, accepting individuals who are filled with love?!

For today, make a conscious effort to be the loving, caring friend to those around you. You may be surprised at the deep impact at has on others, and indeed on yourself. Spread the joy and bask in the loveliness of it!


(Card deck: Creature Teacher Cards by Scott Alexander King)

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