Thursday 4 July 2013



The angels are sending a VERY clear message today:

 It is time to REST.

Resting is an incredibly important part of a balanced, healthy life. Sometimes people view resting as laziness or something they "don't have time for". The reality is, we must find time for resting as it enables us to recharge, to deal with any minor physical or emotional ailments and to bring us back to our optimum level of health.

Allowing yourself to rest now prevents major setbacks down the track if you push your body too hard. If the truth be told, there are always things that can wait until tomorrow. Sure, you might have liked to get them out of the way today, but in reality, they can wait 'til tomorrow and the world will still continue to spin.

The angels are urging you to please love and care for yourself enough to take some time to rest today.

You are the most useful to those around you if you are healthy, happy and have a clear mind. Just spend that ten minutes on the couch, lying on the grass or taking a quick snooze in your bed. Listen to a meditation or some peaceful music and allow your body, mind and heart to rest and refresh.

Refresh. Grow. Heal. Love.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards by Carina Glanville)

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