Friday 14 June 2013

I release all fears and doubts

I release all fears and doubts

"I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I am loved and I am safe."

Following on from yesterday, today is all about acceptance and love. Yes, you are worthy and yes, you are wonderful. It really is as simple as that. For all those negative, nagging thoughts that tell you otherwise? They are wrong.

Please sit with this for a moment. When you were born you were beautiful, pure and perfect. Events, experiences and actions may have happened to you, or around you, throughout your life but they cannot touch your soul. You will always remain beautiful, pure and perfect.

You will always remain beautiful, pure and perfect.

With this in mind release the unwanted stories that you tell about yourself. When they creep up just keep reminding yourself that your soul is untouchable. Nothing and no-one can change the perfect beauty that is within you. It is however up to you to choose to free that wonderful soul out into the world.

Today repeat to yourself: "I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I am loved and I am safe."


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

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