Wednesday 19 June 2013



"Keep focused on your dream"

We all have beautiful, wonderful dreams for ourselves. Today the angels are encouraging you to stay clear in your mind about what it is that you want, and to believe that you have the ability within you to achieve it.

If it is a dream that is being realised enough that you can take some action on it then spend at least 5-10 minutes today DOING something to achieve it. If you dream is still an idea in your heart and mind then spend 5-10 minutes visualising it coming true and ask for guidance as to what steps you need to take.

Every action and thought we direct towards our dream brings it closer to reality. We are sending a clear message to the universe about what we want and we hold a clear belief that we WILL receive it.

Don't fall into the trap of procrastination or negative self talk today. They are nothing but tricks by your ego to try and hold you back from releasing the power within your soul. Once you can identify these cheeky tricks you can brush them aside and get on with being the person you were always meant to be.

Keep a special little spot in your heart for your dreams. Protect them, keep them safe and look after them like a precious child. Give them all the encouragement they need in order to become your reality.

Dream big people!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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