Tuesday 4 June 2013

Release your fears

Release your fears

"It is time to challenge the fear that is limiting you. Confront the fear, and the power it holds over you will disappear."

Today I was guided to pull a card from a pregnancy deck, with the reassurance that the message would be for all of you out there, not just the mums to be. Of course those of you who are pregnant may want to relate this message more directly to your pregnancy.

The mandala on this card features beautiful butterflies, symbolising the metamorphosis that we are all going through. Each time we are faced with a new challenge in our life a new metamorphosis occurs as we inch closer to the soul being we were born to become.

Today's challenge is not an unfamiliar one, as it something that we have been doing some work on over the last few weeks. It's that pesky fear that is trapping us into being our mediocre self. It's important for me to make it very clear here that mediocre is not a label for particular things - i.e. "If I work a desk job instead of being a movie star I'm living a mediocre life." In this context being mediocre refers to being less than your full self, hiding behind fears that tell you that you're not good enough and settling for feeling 'ok' but not truly happy. It's time to stop letting the fear trap us in our mediocrity.

Be like the caterpillar today - it doesn't know when it enters the cocoon exactly what it's going to come out the other side like, but it does it anyway. It's a scary thought to take away all that's familiar and just trust that if you release the fear and keep on going something beautiful will occur. But it will. It always does.

So trust today. Release your fears and trust that what's to come will be bigger and more beautiful than you could ever imagine.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

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