Wednesday 26 June 2013

Goddess of Compassion

Goddess of Compassion

"Self criticism is diminishing your sense of self worth."

We all have things in our lives that we think we could do better - whether it be at home, at work or in our love life. The thing is, there is no 'perfect'. Did you hear that? THERE IS NO PERFECT.

When you focus on achieving and receiving from a positive mindset, that's great. You are working from a place of acceptance, love, and a knowing that you deserve the best in life. This is very different to punishing and berating yourself for not being good enough.

A great example of this is with exercise. If you exercise because you hate your body and you are disgusted at how much weight you've gained you are operating from a place of punishment, judgment and pain. More often than not, from this place you find it hard to motivate yourself to exercise, you don't enjoy it and you drop off the routine after a short space of time. When you exercise from a mindset of loving your body, appreciating it for all the work it does for you - the fact it carries you around EVERYDAY - then you see the joy in what you are doing for yourself and you feel more inclined to keep it up. It's a shift in mindset that makes all the difference.

If it's too much of a stretch to see your body as perfect and beautiful physically, you can begin by appreciating it for it's functionality. You can't deny that the fact you can walk, breathe and exist with ease is it's own little miracle. Celebrate and thank your body for that! Not everyone is born with functioning limbs and a healthy heart. Try to put into perspective the minor ailments that can distress you and focus on the overall positives that you have.

Once we begin to love and respect our bodies for all they give us we will start to choose healthier foods and lifestyle patterns. It's a win-win!

There is no perfect body - or perhaps, it is better to say that they are ALL PERFECT bodies. Yours, mine - everyones. We are all different and therein lies the beauty.

To quote the wise sage Fatboy Slim,
"If everybody looked the same we'd get tired of looking at each other."


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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