Thursday 6 June 2013

Angel of Relaxation

Angel of Relaxation

"Let go of desired outcomes and you will get what you want."

The last few days have been a lot about putting your intentions out into the universe. Today is about taking a foot off the pedal and resting in the reassurance that everything is going to plan and you needn't stress over it.

Remember the analogy of putting in your order for dinner? Well you have placed your order and now it's time to enjoy the chit chat with friends while you wait for the meal to be cooked. Enjoy life - live a little, laugh a lot and remember how fantastic it is to be a human being!

We are here to experience joy, in whatever form it takes. If for you at this time joy looks like sitting on the couch watching a crappy tv movie then go ahead and do it! But maybe your joy is taking a long walk in nature, through some beautiful trees - or maybe by a creek?

Today do whatever it is that is going to make you feel relaxed and at ease. Be gentle with yourself and recognise how hard you have been working. That trip to the masseurs might just be in order for this afternoon? The more we look after ourselves through nurturing and loving the better human we become!


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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