Tuesday 25 June 2013

I love my body

I love my body

"I create peacefulness in my mind, and my body reflects this peacefulness as perfect health."

Your mind and body are so intricately linked that when you treat one a certain way the other reacts in response to that treatment.

Your body is so sensitive to the way that you think about yourself that if you have negativity in your mind it can flow through to your body. For example, anxious thoughts (which are based on fears) can create panic attacks that produce real physical symptoms in the body; negative self image thoughts can bring on cravings and emotional eating that cause further weight gain. These are just two of many examples.

The angels encourage you today to try ingesting only loving and peaceful thoughts. If you are unwell, or injured, send love and care to those areas of your body that need to heal. Treat them like a small child - encourage them, appreciate them for all they do. By attaching negative, harmful thoughts to the situation you only prolong the illness or injury. When you support your own healing with your loving intentions you give your body permission to move on from the current situation it is stuck in.

Instead of thinking, "My stupid foot, I can't believe I've injured it, now I can't run. Why can't it just hurry up and fix." Think, "Thank you, foot, for carrying me as long as you have. I obviously need some attention and care at this time. Perhaps I need to slow down for a minute. Thank you for reminding me of that. I will support you while you heal and we will move forward together when we are both ready."

By loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are you remove the ability to think damaging thoughts about not being good enough. It is from this point that you are able to create more healthy and vital situations for yourself and your body.


(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)

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