Wednesday 5 June 2013

Angel of Finances

Angel of Finances

"Honour, give thanks and value the blessings you are about to receive."

As anyone who works with abundance will tell you, the key factor to you leading an abundant life is believing that having an abundant life is possible. In order to receive you must be open to receiving.

Are you someone who is always searching for that little bit more but deep down has the belief that you'll always be stuck in the same position? In holding the belief that things won't change (despite you desperately wanting them to), the universe receives the message that things shouldn't change. So they don't. It's very common but something that with a little effort we can adjust.

Take some time to meditate upon today's image. Feel yourself absorbing the luscious gold light that surrounds the angel in this picture. Drink it in, let it fill your being. Breathe deeply in the knowing that you already have great wealth inside of you. Feel the gold light unlocking all those blocks within you that say there's never enough, or you don't deserve more. Release them to the universe.

Be grateful for the wonderful things that you do have in your life, and imagine how fantastic it will feel to have even more. Hold onto this feeling as if you already have these things. For today imagine that you are the wealthiest person in the world. That's not to say go and spend more money than you have, but live from the energy that you are an abundant being who has everything that they need and more.

Start giving the universe the messages that you want it to follow: "I am abundant" "Money flows to me easily""I always have more than enough money to buy the things that I want and need"

Thank the universe for providing: "I thank the universe for the wonderful gifts it always provides me with" "I am grateful to have the loving support of the universe and all the angels"

Begin living your abundant life today!


(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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