Friday 7 June 2013



"Clearing away obstacles, Protection, Guidance"

Today's card is one of my all time favourites - Ganesha, the beautiful elephant headed god. He is one of the five prime Hindu deities.

Work with Ganesha to remove any obstacles that are in your path, call upon him to make the way clear. Sit with the beauty in the imagery of this card. Stare into Ganesha's eyes and feel the burdens being lifted away from you. Whenever you are feeling stressed or blocked you can call upon Ganesha to help you - to protect you and give your guidance where needed.

The angels are telling me that they pick Ganesha in particular today to focus on the element of guidance. For those of you in Melbourne, this weekend is the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival. If you get the chance it's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the healing world, learning about different modalities and perhaps finding some of the guidance you need. Wander around the stalls and ask yourself what you are drawn to. Trust your inner voice and go discover more. The angels will be whispering in your ear telling you just what you need!

One stand close to my heart is the Blue Angel stand, with my fantastic Master Teacher, Martine. If you like the Gaia Oracle and Angels, Gods & Goddesses cards that I often use, you'll be able to find them there plus many more!

Perhaps over the weekend you could also take some time to read up on some topics that have interested you, but you've never taken the time to know more about. The internet is such a wonderful resource that enables us to learn and grow.


(Card deck Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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