Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Swan - Appreciate The Beauty

Swan - Appreciate The Beauty Inside and All Around You

The angels are encouraging us today to adopt an attitude of gratitude.

When we can view the world with appreciation for what we have around us, even if we deem it to be not very much, it automatically sends the universe a signal that we are open to receive. It invites energy towards us which supports abundance and gives life to our dreams.

Do you have a job? What a blessing that you can independently earn money to pay for things in your life.

Are you studying? What a gift that you have the mind to learn and the senses to absorb new things.

Do you chase around after your kids all day? What an amazing thing, that you have been given the opportunity to bring life into this world and to share the joy of their fresh eyes in the world.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, can be a blessing in our lives if we allow it to be.

Even the cranky neighbour next door who shows us that we must be fundamentally happy in our life if we don't feel the need to thrash out our emotions like they do.

Take some time today to flip your mind and in turn your energy. Pull into your focus all the things you have in your life and view them as the treasure that they are.

Today I am grateful that something guided me to share these thoughts with you. I am grateful for the computer that I type these words on - it is the computer that holds the photos that help me remember the crazy beautiful times when our little babies were first born. Those times that are so hard to remember in the fog of sleep deprived delirium. It is the computer that helps me feel connected to the outside world when I am in my home watching my little babes sleep.

An attitude of gratitude.

Let it change the way you view the world today. xx

(Card deck: Power Animal Cards by Steven D Farmer PhD)

Thursday, 13 March 2014

You Are Understood

You Are Understood

If it's been feeling a little bit lately like you've been asking for guidance but no-one's listening then today's message is for you. The angels assure you that they have heard your requests for help and are guiding you. They are asking you to take further steps of action before you can receive the answers to the questions you are asking.

Do you feel like you keep coming up against a roadblock when you are trying to make your decisions or take that next step forward? You are being encouraged to stop and really look at the obstacle that's standing in your way, as it holds the key to a bigger picture resistance or belief that exists within you. It is when this belief is released and rewritten that you will then be able to move forward.

Sometimes it helps to write stuff down, to be able to look at it then really see things for what they are. Give yourself some time today to write down those things that you think are getting in the way of your dream destination. Once they are down on paper try to see them for what they really are. Is it a fear masquerading as an obstacle? Or a belief disguised as a hard fact? Call them out, take the mask of these sneaky little critters and let them be seen for what they are. When you can do this you can free yourself from these perceived roadblocks and get yourself on the way to where you want to be!

Some of these will take a little bit of time and others will release almost instantly. The important thing is to remember that you are in control, not your fears and negative beliefs. Once you take back control you can call the shots.

Please, please remember that you are consistently and constantly being supported. The angels are always guiding you to help you connect with your soul's purpose.

Even if sometimes it feels like tough love.

You are very much loved. xx

(Card deck: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Coyote - Wise Fool

Coyote - Wise Fool

"Accept your follies and find the teaching in them"

These animal cards are divine. I am loving working with them.

"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." William Shakespeare

This is the message the angels are sending us today. They are reminding us that by recognising our 'flaws' we do not become less than what we thought we were, we in fact become more. The more awareness we have around the areas of our lives where we might need to work or grow, the more capacity we have for that growth.

The more that we can understand and embrace all the different aspects of ourselves - even the dark, murky bits - the more full and complete we will be. Just as the earth needs night and day so that the world may sleep then wake refreshed for a new day, so too does our psyche. We need darkness within us to be able to perceive the light.

If you find yourself struggling with, or judging an aspect of yourself it is time to take a step back. Breathe deeply and try to identify the emotion that is attached to it. Is it hurt? Anger? Rejection? Once you can see what the emotion is ask it to step aside so that you may see this aspect of yourself for the true gift that it is. Encourage yourself to find a time or a situation where this aspect of yourself has been useful. Maybe your shyness has allowed others the space to work on their confidence and come to you? Or maybe fumbly, haphazard way of trying to get to know people puts them at ease because they have permission not to be perfect as well?

Today try to love those harder to accept aspects of you, in the knowledge that they make you a wiser, more complete being.

You are perfect just as you are.

You were designed this way by the universe very specifically.

Your gift to the world is to be exactly who you are.


(Card deck: Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven.D.Farmer Ph.D)

Friday, 28 February 2014

Release your power!

Dress of Alchemy - Release your power!

I haven't used these cards for such a long time and the illustrations on them are so beautiful. These cards remind us that there will always be darkness alongside the light, and to accept those darker parts of ourselves with love.

The card that the angels guided us to today is the Dress of Alchemy - Release your power!

We consistently and constantly undervalue what it is that we have to offer the world. Often we are too busy comparing ourselves to others and ruminating on what we don't do well enough that we forget about the things that we do brilliantly.

Every single one of us is special and unique. The universe designed us this way so that we would all have something to offer the larger community of love and energy. Each of us see things with a slightly different perspective (sometimes very different!) and this is a gift we have to share with the world.

Acknowledge and embrace who you are today. Stop standing behind the exhausting negative mind chatter and allow the true you, the one that lives in your heart, to step forward.

Honour everything you know you are today. Side step the thoughts that tell you, "oh, I don't do that better than the next person" or "why would anyone want to hear what I have to say". Be brave.

A great way to overcome the doubt, nerves and second guessing is to focus on the service of your actions. Remind yourself that you are being your best and truest self so that the world can be a better place for everyone.

By living in your heart, and giving from your spirit you are contributing to something bigger.

It is an honour for us to receive your energy in this world.


(Card deck: Oracle of Shadows and Light by Lucy Cavendish)

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Open Your Heart to Love - Jesus

Open Your Heart to Love - Jesus

You may or may not know that Jesus is considered one of many Ascended Masters in the realm of the angels. An Ascended Master is someone who has lived here on Earth, and through their loving and compassionate actions have been elevated into the spiritual realm to continue their healing work in the afterlife.

Regardless of your religious beliefs, and I deal here only in spiritual beliefs, Jesus is a master healer who brings the message of love and acceptance.

How often in your day do you feel your heart closing it's doors - out of fear, protection, anger or rejection?

Today the angels are encouraging you to allow the doors to your heart to remain open. For everyone. Don't be afraid of what might come if you allow yourself to be open. As love is the most powerful emotion there is, when you are living in love it isn't possible for other emotions to enter your heart.

Focus on the outflow of love. Some of you may sense it as a feeling, others may see it as a colour - perhaps soft pink. However you experience love, let it flow from your being today. Bathe everyone you come into contact with in your loving energy.

Don't be attached or concerned with how others receive your love. That is not your journey. Your purpose is only to give the love that lives freely inside of you.

Make sure you remember to bathe yourself in your pure, beautiful love. For it is you who needs it most.

Imagine if we could all open our hearts to one another, without fear, and in the knowing that the love was being received and equally returned to us with peace and gratitude. We are the only ones who can make that possibility a reality.

Open your heart to love. Let it fill you with light. Be happy.


(Card deck: Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Notice the signs

Notice the signs

"Yes the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

The angels are constantly communicating with us; the way we live our lives determines whether or not we hear them. Sometimes the noise and busyness of life makes it difficult to hear the soft and gentle messages that they are sending us.

Today the angels are encouraging you to sit still for a minute, to be quiet and listen. For it is in those quiet moments that we are best placed to hear their whisperings. They are also reminding us that repetition is often a sign of the angels. If the same thing keeps happening over and over again - the same dream, the same issue, the same feeling - pay attention to it and look into what it is trying to tell you.

For me, I often get these messages in a way that I need to translate. My computer hard drive keeps telling me that there isn't enough disk space. No matter how much I clean out or delete it just keeps popping up. So I think, maybe this is not about the computer (or not ONLY about the computer). Perhaps there are other areas in my life where I need to make space? Perhaps things are a bit over full at the moment and something needs to be let go in order for things to function more easily?

By listening and paying attention to these signs in the every day moments of our lives we are creating a conversation with our angels that will only expand and grow. The more we listen the more they have to tell us.

If you are feel you are in need of some guidance at the moment, take some time to listen.

Look around you for all the little signs that the angels have placed along the way.

Notice the signs. xx

(Card deck: Daily Guidance from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014



"Resurfacing of past feelings and emotions"

Yesterday the angels spoke to us of the wonderful shift that is occurring at this time. Today they are letting you know that any tricky feelings you are experiencing as a result of this change are perfectly normal and all part of the process.

It's the philosophy that in order to gain something new in our lives we must first make space for it, and often that requires us letting go of something old, something that we no longer need. This isn't a process to be afraid of - the angels would never encourage you to release something that is precious to you. They will help you to find those things that truly are old to you, the things that have held you back up to this point, and encourage you to set them free. Sometimes it is a person that we need to release from our energetic space, and that can feel much harder to do.

A great way to release someone from your energetic space with love and care is to create a little visualisation - a farewell ceremony if you like. This can be used whenever you are feeling hindered by someone else's opinions, beliefs or energy.

Take some time to sit quietly to gain some peace. Take three deep breaths in...and out. In your mind picture yourself standing in front of the person you wish to release from your energetic space. If you like you can hold their hands, if that doesn't feel comfortable that's fine too. Just stand there facing them. As you stand there facing this person, in your mind say the following, "It is with gratitude and love that I farewell you in this moment. I thank you for everything that you have given me to this point and I wish you love, peace and harmony. May the universe receive you lovingly with open arms." You may like to visualise them being wrapped in a cocoon of soft pink light.

At this point you can let go of their hands and take a step to the side. You are not stepping backwards, but across, into your new path with nothing obstructing your way. Take a moment to feel the air around you, feel the freedom that creating this new path brings. When you feel ready, in your mind say the following, "I now release you into the greater cosmic universe. May you be free to continue on your own journey, as I am now free to continue on mine. With love, goodbye."

When you feel ready, allow yourself to take some steps forward until the person is no longer in your sight and you feel detached from their energy. Open your eyes whenever it feels right.

It's always beneficial after something like this to drink lots of water and if possible take the time to do something nice for yourself. A loving gesture that gives your spirit a bit of a hug!

Remember, this process is part of a bigger whole. One where you feel fulfilled and excited about the life you have. A life where you are surrounded by others who love you wholly and completely. You deserve nothing less.


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Monday, 17 February 2014

Goddess of Awakening

Goddess of Awakening

"This is a wondrous time of exploration, romance and creativity"

There is a big shift occurring in your life right now and it is most definitely a positive one. I don't normally get such strong feelings about the importance of a change, so I know that this one is significant for you.

The angels are telling you today to allow yourself to be fully open to everything the universe is attempting to offer you. You are on the cusp of moving into a higher state of consciousness, where you feel much closer to your spirit and further along your path. You may notice it in the form of easy interactions in your life - things will seem to just fall into place. This level of synchronicity will highlight the change and give you an opportunity to embrace it with an open heart.

You are bubbling full of life and excitement. If you don't feel it right now, trust me, it's there, bubbling right beneath the surface. It may require you to let go of a few old things in order to allow the flow in of love and guided energy. Take it as a cleansing opportunity to finally release those old energies and beliefs that have been keeping you from taking that important step forward into your new life.

You hold the keys, dear one.

You are standing at the door with your toes gently nudging against the wood.

All that is needed is for you to raise your hand and unlock the door.

You can't possibly imagine what lies in store for you on the other side, because it is too beautiful. It's like nothing you've ever seen before and it is going to change your life forever. This is a wondrous and monumental time in your life. Your world is about to change for the better and you won't ever look back.

Embrace the excitement that comes with this change and know that you are fully supported by the universe and the angels. They are with you, and guiding you, every step of the way.

I'm so excited and happy for you! xxx

(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddess by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You

"A loving thought, serendipity"

The angels are sending a strong message today. After guiding me to post the Dr Emoto water crystal video on the power of our loving thoughts and words, they have now given us this card to focus upon.

Most of us have people in our lives who we love dearly but that we don't get to see anywhere near as often as we would like to. The angels are reminding you that you can connect with these loved ones no matter how far away they are. Dr Emoto's video shows the impact our focused thoughts have on the physiology of a water crystal, and given our bodies are well over half water, we can know that these thoughts have the same effect on our bodies.

By spending some quiet time today thinking of someone you care about and sending them love in your mind and heart, you are in fact giving them a healing and blessing of your own.  This is something very real and something that they will feel and benefit from. Why not try it?

You are being reminded today to always believe that you can make a difference to your life, and the lives of those you love. You can't control the outcomes of the lives of others, but you can give them love for their highest good. Your care and loving intention will make a difference.

Imagine how much healing and love we could create if we all took some time each day to send love and blessings to those we love - and also to those who need it most.

What a beautiful world we would be creating! xxx

(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Friday, 7 February 2014



"Live today with zest and gratitude, explore what excites you, and let your enthusiasm flourish!"

None of this should be hard. When it is hard it's a good indication that you're not quite on the right path. Synchronicity works when you allow yourself to follow the guidance of your soul.

You know those things, that no matter how long you spend doing them, you never get tired of? That's your passion - your purpose - your soul's delight. Seek out those things and honour them as the purpose of your life.

Today the angels are encouraging you to give yourself permission to love your life. Yes, we all have commitments and things that 'need' to be done. But when we are working on the bigger picture of our lives we need to think with joy and excitement.

Anything is possible.

You are the sole creator of your experience here.

You are the soul creator of your experience here.

Life is wonderful, in all its shades of colours and emotions. Sometimes they feel hard to be in and other times they feel light. When you are living in connection with your spirit everything seems perfect - whether perceived good or bad. It all serves a purpose and writes a page in the intricate story of our lives, and indeed our soul's journey.

Write some pages with joy today. xxx

(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Sense of self

Sense of Self

"It is vital that you honour your sense of self now" (...and after the baby is born.)

Today the angels are acknowledging the journey that you are on and encouraging you to place yourself front and centre. It can become difficult to keep track of the end goal when there are so many competing priorities, but they assure you that by putting your needs first everything else will fall into place.

Acknowledging and owning your needs and wants sends a clear vision to the universe of what you would like to achieve. When we put ourselves last and act only to fulfil the needs and wants of others we send a confused message to the cosmic energy, making it difficult for them to know what needs to be done.

Remember that your intentions act like a shopping list for the universe. You need to be specific. Not so much in detail, but in how you want to FEEL. "I want a home that feels peaceful, light and protected" "I want a new job that is satisfying, engaging and rewarding". The universe will then figure out all the details and will work out what the best option is for you. That's when you've just got to pay attention to the signs they send you - the random call from out of the blue from a friend who thought you might be interested in a job going...or the open house you just happened to notice as you were driving home from work.

Today, 'own' your wants. Don't feel selfish or ungrateful for wanting things another way. Give thanks for the things you already have in your life and know that you will be a better person to those around you if you are on your path and living the life you have chosen for yourself.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy and Birth by Carina Glanville)

Saturday, 1 February 2014



I am so drawn to the mandalas in this deck at the moment. They are so complex yet beautifully simple in their message.

The angels are today asking you to connect in with your creativity. They are encouraging you to seek out those things that reignite your passion and get you excited about life. For some of you it might be reading a good book, taking up an old hobby or sitting down with a colouring book, some crayons and connecting with your inner child.

Feeding and nourishing your creativity is often something that we forget to do. We wonder why we are feeling a lack of inspiration but rarely reflect upon how we got to this lacklustre space. Nourishing creativity is like feeding a plant - the more water, sunshine and love we give a plant the better it grows, the more it flowers and the more beautiful it becomes. Think of your creative spirit as the plant. Actively and lovingly do those things that 'water' it. Give it the sunshine through activities that resonate with you and; love it by reminding yourself that you are a wonderfully creative being.

You are a wonderfully creative being.

Nurture your creative flower. Allow it to grow.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy and Birth by Carina Glanville)

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Self Worth

Self Worth

I was guided this morning to go to the Joyful Expectancy cards. I have several beautiful pregnant women in my life, so no doubt this message goes out to them; but as always I know when I go to these cards that the message will be relevant to all of us.

Today we have the card of Self Worth. The angels are encouraging you to reflect on your uniqueness today. Think about all the things that make you different to those around you.

Maybe it's the way you always know what to say to a friend who is upset, or  the crazy meals that you create for guests or perhaps it's they way you can go for a 5km run and feel amazing while others around you feel exhausted. It really doesn't matter what it is. The angels just want you to recognise that we are all wonderfully different from one another and that is what makes the world such an incredible place. If we were all the same there would be nothing to excite us, to show us different ways of viewing the world.

The angels are reminding you that you are special.


You have been designed perfectly by the universe, and the universe makes no mistakes.

Everything about you is perfect and wonderful.



When I tune in specifically for the mothers, the mothers-to-be and those who are thinking about becoming mothers; the angels tell me that however you choose to parent is exactly what the souls of your children have chosen. They picked you well before they became a life in your body because they knew they needed the experience of living in your care for this lifetime.

Don't ever doubt your ability as a mother. What you provide for your children is amazing, unique and a wonderful gift to them. Honour your role as a woman and a mother, and rejoice in your ability to bring life into the world.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

Tuesday, 28 January 2014



"You care deeply about children, and they readily respond to your love. All children, including your own inner child, require love, affection and attention. We can clear and open your heart so that you can give more time and energy to the children who need you."

The angels tell me today that this card is about the expectations you place on yourself - as a parent, an employee and as an individual on the journey of self development. They are urging you to ease up on yourself and to know that you are doing a wonderful job.

Sometimes we hear what others are doing with their lives, and in isolation it seems like they are achieving so much more, and are being a 'better human' than we are. This is not the case. It is so important to understand that we all have different journeys and different purposes here on Earth. Every little thing that you do with loving intention and compassion contributes to a greater state of peace in the world.

Ask the angels for guidance as to what areas you should focus on in your life to create the greatest good. For some of you the benefit will come from focusing on your own children - by playing, nurturing and engaging with their spirits.

For others who work with children such as the teachers and social workers, it will come in the form of connecting more deeply with the work you do. Particularly as we start off the new school year this week, it's energetically a fantastic time to allow your soul to speak through your work.

Finally, this message is also speaking to those of you who know that there is more work to do on your inner child. Today simply connect with them. Find a quiet moment where you can sit still and ask two very clear questions - "What do you need?" and 'What do you want?". Listen carefully to the answers and do you best throughout the week to honour those requests.

Send love to all the children in your life, including you inner child, for they hold the hope, intention and possibility for our future.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance From Your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Lynx - I Only Keep Good Secrets


"I only keep good secrets"

I was feeling particularly sad this morning about the state of our world where we continue to ruthlessly kill dolphins for sport. Being a mum at home looking after my two Tree House bubs I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the state of the world and what I can do to change it. I decided to ask the angels this morning for some guidance on this point as I know it is relevant to all of us.

I selected the animal cards that belong to my little girl as their wisdom is always so pure, simple and clear.

The Lynx is telling us today that we can always make a difference to our state, and the state of others, by ensuring that we speak out against those things that we feel are in need of change. Often we underestimate the power of our voice, and more importantly the power of the collective voice. The angels are reminding us that we always have a choice as to how we use our voice. If we choose to use it to speak loudly for those who cannot speak for themselves we are doing the greatest service possible to our world.

For me, today, it is speaking again about the importance of protecting and loving these beautiful creatures of the ocean. But it is equally important to be speaking for our children, for our indigenous nation, for our women who may be trapped in abusive relationships, for our elderly and for our unwell. There are so many people in the world who can benefit from us using our voice positively on their behalf.

The angels are encouraging us to recognise the power of our voice today.

Try today to speak in support of someone, or something, that you love, and who you think needs help being heard. This gift to our world, and to those it affects, will contribute to growing a love that can change anything.

Don't feel powerless, the angels urge. Know your strength and know your service to the greater loving energy.

Let me hear you today Tree House friends!


(Card deck: Creature Teacher Animal Wisdom by Scott Alexander King)

Friday, 24 January 2014

Angel of New Life

Angel of New Life

"An exciting new chapter of your life is about to unfold."

What a beautiful card to receive from the angels today! Wonderful things are just around the corner and in order to prepare the angels are asking you to remove distractions from your life. These are the things that slow us down, or stop us, from getting to the places we want to go. It might be physical things like social media, the television, or even people that are distracting you from getting on with things.

You probably already know what these things are and the angels are telling me that you've already thought about how you need to remove or limit them from your life. Over the weekend why not try leaving these distractions out of your life and observe how much more space there is for things that put your on your path.

Get excited about all the things that are about to come your way. See them already in your life. This attractive energy will help bring them in even sooner!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beauty in the world. xx

(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Moonlight Goddess

Moonlight Goddess  - Repressed emotions, Healing, Reflection

The angels are encouraging you today to examine your perspective on emotions. They are asking you to focus specifically on ANGER.

How many of you try your hardest to suppress or ignore anger when you feel it rising up inside you?

When we suppress our anger - for fear of being rejected or judged by others - we push the emotion deeper and deeper into our body. As we know, things don't disappear into thin air; which means that the emotion has to be stored somewhere inside our body. Once or twice is probably fine, but if you are somebody that constantly tells yourself not to express or feel anger you are in fact rejecting a really special part of yourself.

Feeling anger is important for us to recognise if we're not being treated well, if we are off path, or if something in our situation needs to be changed. Expressing our anger in the moment, by recognising it and allowing ourselves to verbalise the emotion we are feeling, sets the anger free and releases it from our system.

It is never necessary or safe to direct your anger physically towards another being, but expressing it through words is important. If you're in a situation where you feel that isn't enough, it's a good indicator that you need to remove yourself from the situation. Take some time and focus on breathing the anger out of your body. It's no mistake that medical professionals often recommend breathing techniques to help relieve anger. They are tuning into the intelligence of our bodies, understanding that through breathing we are giving ourselves a vehicle from which we can drive out the unwanted energy.

The angels have so much to say about anger today! They think it is a beautiful emotion and completes the spectrum of emotions we all require to be a healthy human. For those of you who find it difficult to tame the emotion as it swirls through your system the angels remind you that you can always ask them to help you with patience and control, and to find other more nurturing ways to release it from your being.

Today make a conscious effort to embrace all parts of your being.

Everything is beautiful. xx

(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Home Help

Home Help

"Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for giving me the courage to ask for and accept help from you, the angels, and others in matters regarding my family and home."

Today the angels are speaking directly to those of you who have been struggling lately to juggle everything in your life. They know you are under a great amount of pressure and they want to reassure you that they are working to lighten your load. Sometimes though their help comes in unexpected ways and it is up to you to receive that which they are offering you.

If you are one of those people who finds it hard to accept help from others - now is the time to let go. Don't underestimate the joy others receive by you allowing them to give. Next time someone offers to help you say "Ok" "Yes" or "Thank you" and welcome them in to your energetic space.

We all need help from time to time. Asking for or receiving assistance doesn't make you weak or any less wonderful than you are. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Particularly when it involves help that will benefit others, not just yourself. Think of the blessings you give your loved ones by receiving help and becoming a fuller, more content and revitalised individual.

Allow yourself to receive help and observe the flow on effect it has for those around you.


(Card deck: Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Moonlight - Travel, Romance, Potential

Moonlight - Travel, Romance, Potential

The angels are welcoming us all back together again after some time apart.

They are urging you to use the quiet moments of reflection that you receive, often later at night, to connect with your inner spirit and listen to its guidance. There are so many things yet to be spoken - yet to be heard - that will show you the path forward. Now is the perfect time to connect into these messages while you are bright and full of the new year spirit.

Use the energy that has accumulated over the festive break to put into action those quiet thoughts that you have been having. At first they might have seemed like big ideas, almost too big to be possible. Outrageous thoughts that could never come true - but could they? The only thing that determines the answer to that question is you.

You control your destiny.

You give yourself permission to experience joy.

You hold the keys to all the possibilities that the world has to offer you.

Use your quiet, dark nights well. Listen carefully and take note of the whispers of your soul.

Your dreams are about to come true, for it is you that controls them.

Dream big beautiful people!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)