Wednesday 15 January 2014

Moonlight - Travel, Romance, Potential

Moonlight - Travel, Romance, Potential

The angels are welcoming us all back together again after some time apart.

They are urging you to use the quiet moments of reflection that you receive, often later at night, to connect with your inner spirit and listen to its guidance. There are so many things yet to be spoken - yet to be heard - that will show you the path forward. Now is the perfect time to connect into these messages while you are bright and full of the new year spirit.

Use the energy that has accumulated over the festive break to put into action those quiet thoughts that you have been having. At first they might have seemed like big ideas, almost too big to be possible. Outrageous thoughts that could never come true - but could they? The only thing that determines the answer to that question is you.

You control your destiny.

You give yourself permission to experience joy.

You hold the keys to all the possibilities that the world has to offer you.

Use your quiet, dark nights well. Listen carefully and take note of the whispers of your soul.

Your dreams are about to come true, for it is you that controls them.

Dream big beautiful people!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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