Friday 7 February 2014



"Live today with zest and gratitude, explore what excites you, and let your enthusiasm flourish!"

None of this should be hard. When it is hard it's a good indication that you're not quite on the right path. Synchronicity works when you allow yourself to follow the guidance of your soul.

You know those things, that no matter how long you spend doing them, you never get tired of? That's your passion - your purpose - your soul's delight. Seek out those things and honour them as the purpose of your life.

Today the angels are encouraging you to give yourself permission to love your life. Yes, we all have commitments and things that 'need' to be done. But when we are working on the bigger picture of our lives we need to think with joy and excitement.

Anything is possible.

You are the sole creator of your experience here.

You are the soul creator of your experience here.

Life is wonderful, in all its shades of colours and emotions. Sometimes they feel hard to be in and other times they feel light. When you are living in connection with your spirit everything seems perfect - whether perceived good or bad. It all serves a purpose and writes a page in the intricate story of our lives, and indeed our soul's journey.

Write some pages with joy today. xxx

(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

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