Wednesday 29 January 2014

Self Worth

Self Worth

I was guided this morning to go to the Joyful Expectancy cards. I have several beautiful pregnant women in my life, so no doubt this message goes out to them; but as always I know when I go to these cards that the message will be relevant to all of us.

Today we have the card of Self Worth. The angels are encouraging you to reflect on your uniqueness today. Think about all the things that make you different to those around you.

Maybe it's the way you always know what to say to a friend who is upset, or  the crazy meals that you create for guests or perhaps it's they way you can go for a 5km run and feel amazing while others around you feel exhausted. It really doesn't matter what it is. The angels just want you to recognise that we are all wonderfully different from one another and that is what makes the world such an incredible place. If we were all the same there would be nothing to excite us, to show us different ways of viewing the world.

The angels are reminding you that you are special.


You have been designed perfectly by the universe, and the universe makes no mistakes.

Everything about you is perfect and wonderful.



When I tune in specifically for the mothers, the mothers-to-be and those who are thinking about becoming mothers; the angels tell me that however you choose to parent is exactly what the souls of your children have chosen. They picked you well before they became a life in your body because they knew they needed the experience of living in your care for this lifetime.

Don't ever doubt your ability as a mother. What you provide for your children is amazing, unique and a wonderful gift to them. Honour your role as a woman and a mother, and rejoice in your ability to bring life into the world.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy & Birth by Carina Glanville)

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