Friday 24 January 2014

Angel of New Life

Angel of New Life

"An exciting new chapter of your life is about to unfold."

What a beautiful card to receive from the angels today! Wonderful things are just around the corner and in order to prepare the angels are asking you to remove distractions from your life. These are the things that slow us down, or stop us, from getting to the places we want to go. It might be physical things like social media, the television, or even people that are distracting you from getting on with things.

You probably already know what these things are and the angels are telling me that you've already thought about how you need to remove or limit them from your life. Over the weekend why not try leaving these distractions out of your life and observe how much more space there is for things that put your on your path.

Get excited about all the things that are about to come your way. See them already in your life. This attractive energy will help bring them in even sooner!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beauty in the world. xx

(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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