Wednesday 22 January 2014

Moonlight Goddess

Moonlight Goddess  - Repressed emotions, Healing, Reflection

The angels are encouraging you today to examine your perspective on emotions. They are asking you to focus specifically on ANGER.

How many of you try your hardest to suppress or ignore anger when you feel it rising up inside you?

When we suppress our anger - for fear of being rejected or judged by others - we push the emotion deeper and deeper into our body. As we know, things don't disappear into thin air; which means that the emotion has to be stored somewhere inside our body. Once or twice is probably fine, but if you are somebody that constantly tells yourself not to express or feel anger you are in fact rejecting a really special part of yourself.

Feeling anger is important for us to recognise if we're not being treated well, if we are off path, or if something in our situation needs to be changed. Expressing our anger in the moment, by recognising it and allowing ourselves to verbalise the emotion we are feeling, sets the anger free and releases it from our system.

It is never necessary or safe to direct your anger physically towards another being, but expressing it through words is important. If you're in a situation where you feel that isn't enough, it's a good indicator that you need to remove yourself from the situation. Take some time and focus on breathing the anger out of your body. It's no mistake that medical professionals often recommend breathing techniques to help relieve anger. They are tuning into the intelligence of our bodies, understanding that through breathing we are giving ourselves a vehicle from which we can drive out the unwanted energy.

The angels have so much to say about anger today! They think it is a beautiful emotion and completes the spectrum of emotions we all require to be a healthy human. For those of you who find it difficult to tame the emotion as it swirls through your system the angels remind you that you can always ask them to help you with patience and control, and to find other more nurturing ways to release it from your being.

Today make a conscious effort to embrace all parts of your being.

Everything is beautiful. xx

(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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