Monday 17 February 2014

Goddess of Awakening

Goddess of Awakening

"This is a wondrous time of exploration, romance and creativity"

There is a big shift occurring in your life right now and it is most definitely a positive one. I don't normally get such strong feelings about the importance of a change, so I know that this one is significant for you.

The angels are telling you today to allow yourself to be fully open to everything the universe is attempting to offer you. You are on the cusp of moving into a higher state of consciousness, where you feel much closer to your spirit and further along your path. You may notice it in the form of easy interactions in your life - things will seem to just fall into place. This level of synchronicity will highlight the change and give you an opportunity to embrace it with an open heart.

You are bubbling full of life and excitement. If you don't feel it right now, trust me, it's there, bubbling right beneath the surface. It may require you to let go of a few old things in order to allow the flow in of love and guided energy. Take it as a cleansing opportunity to finally release those old energies and beliefs that have been keeping you from taking that important step forward into your new life.

You hold the keys, dear one.

You are standing at the door with your toes gently nudging against the wood.

All that is needed is for you to raise your hand and unlock the door.

You can't possibly imagine what lies in store for you on the other side, because it is too beautiful. It's like nothing you've ever seen before and it is going to change your life forever. This is a wondrous and monumental time in your life. Your world is about to change for the better and you won't ever look back.

Embrace the excitement that comes with this change and know that you are fully supported by the universe and the angels. They are with you, and guiding you, every step of the way.

I'm so excited and happy for you! xxx

(Card deck: Angels, Gods & Goddess by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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