Tuesday 28 January 2014



"You care deeply about children, and they readily respond to your love. All children, including your own inner child, require love, affection and attention. We can clear and open your heart so that you can give more time and energy to the children who need you."

The angels tell me today that this card is about the expectations you place on yourself - as a parent, an employee and as an individual on the journey of self development. They are urging you to ease up on yourself and to know that you are doing a wonderful job.

Sometimes we hear what others are doing with their lives, and in isolation it seems like they are achieving so much more, and are being a 'better human' than we are. This is not the case. It is so important to understand that we all have different journeys and different purposes here on Earth. Every little thing that you do with loving intention and compassion contributes to a greater state of peace in the world.

Ask the angels for guidance as to what areas you should focus on in your life to create the greatest good. For some of you the benefit will come from focusing on your own children - by playing, nurturing and engaging with their spirits.

For others who work with children such as the teachers and social workers, it will come in the form of connecting more deeply with the work you do. Particularly as we start off the new school year this week, it's energetically a fantastic time to allow your soul to speak through your work.

Finally, this message is also speaking to those of you who know that there is more work to do on your inner child. Today simply connect with them. Find a quiet moment where you can sit still and ask two very clear questions - "What do you need?" and 'What do you want?". Listen carefully to the answers and do you best throughout the week to honour those requests.

Send love to all the children in your life, including you inner child, for they hold the hope, intention and possibility for our future.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance From Your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

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