Sunday 26 January 2014

Lynx - I Only Keep Good Secrets


"I only keep good secrets"

I was feeling particularly sad this morning about the state of our world where we continue to ruthlessly kill dolphins for sport. Being a mum at home looking after my two Tree House bubs I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the state of the world and what I can do to change it. I decided to ask the angels this morning for some guidance on this point as I know it is relevant to all of us.

I selected the animal cards that belong to my little girl as their wisdom is always so pure, simple and clear.

The Lynx is telling us today that we can always make a difference to our state, and the state of others, by ensuring that we speak out against those things that we feel are in need of change. Often we underestimate the power of our voice, and more importantly the power of the collective voice. The angels are reminding us that we always have a choice as to how we use our voice. If we choose to use it to speak loudly for those who cannot speak for themselves we are doing the greatest service possible to our world.

For me, today, it is speaking again about the importance of protecting and loving these beautiful creatures of the ocean. But it is equally important to be speaking for our children, for our indigenous nation, for our women who may be trapped in abusive relationships, for our elderly and for our unwell. There are so many people in the world who can benefit from us using our voice positively on their behalf.

The angels are encouraging us to recognise the power of our voice today.

Try today to speak in support of someone, or something, that you love, and who you think needs help being heard. This gift to our world, and to those it affects, will contribute to growing a love that can change anything.

Don't feel powerless, the angels urge. Know your strength and know your service to the greater loving energy.

Let me hear you today Tree House friends!


(Card deck: Creature Teacher Animal Wisdom by Scott Alexander King)

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