Wednesday 5 February 2014

Sense of self

Sense of Self

"It is vital that you honour your sense of self now" (...and after the baby is born.)

Today the angels are acknowledging the journey that you are on and encouraging you to place yourself front and centre. It can become difficult to keep track of the end goal when there are so many competing priorities, but they assure you that by putting your needs first everything else will fall into place.

Acknowledging and owning your needs and wants sends a clear vision to the universe of what you would like to achieve. When we put ourselves last and act only to fulfil the needs and wants of others we send a confused message to the cosmic energy, making it difficult for them to know what needs to be done.

Remember that your intentions act like a shopping list for the universe. You need to be specific. Not so much in detail, but in how you want to FEEL. "I want a home that feels peaceful, light and protected" "I want a new job that is satisfying, engaging and rewarding". The universe will then figure out all the details and will work out what the best option is for you. That's when you've just got to pay attention to the signs they send you - the random call from out of the blue from a friend who thought you might be interested in a job going...or the open house you just happened to notice as you were driving home from work.

Today, 'own' your wants. Don't feel selfish or ungrateful for wanting things another way. Give thanks for the things you already have in your life and know that you will be a better person to those around you if you are on your path and living the life you have chosen for yourself.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards for Pregnancy and Birth by Carina Glanville)

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