Thursday 13 February 2014

Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You

"A loving thought, serendipity"

The angels are sending a strong message today. After guiding me to post the Dr Emoto water crystal video on the power of our loving thoughts and words, they have now given us this card to focus upon.

Most of us have people in our lives who we love dearly but that we don't get to see anywhere near as often as we would like to. The angels are reminding you that you can connect with these loved ones no matter how far away they are. Dr Emoto's video shows the impact our focused thoughts have on the physiology of a water crystal, and given our bodies are well over half water, we can know that these thoughts have the same effect on our bodies.

By spending some quiet time today thinking of someone you care about and sending them love in your mind and heart, you are in fact giving them a healing and blessing of your own.  This is something very real and something that they will feel and benefit from. Why not try it?

You are being reminded today to always believe that you can make a difference to your life, and the lives of those you love. You can't control the outcomes of the lives of others, but you can give them love for their highest good. Your care and loving intention will make a difference.

Imagine how much healing and love we could create if we all took some time each day to send love and blessings to those we love - and also to those who need it most.

What a beautiful world we would be creating! xxx

(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

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