Thursday 27 February 2014

Open Your Heart to Love - Jesus

Open Your Heart to Love - Jesus

You may or may not know that Jesus is considered one of many Ascended Masters in the realm of the angels. An Ascended Master is someone who has lived here on Earth, and through their loving and compassionate actions have been elevated into the spiritual realm to continue their healing work in the afterlife.

Regardless of your religious beliefs, and I deal here only in spiritual beliefs, Jesus is a master healer who brings the message of love and acceptance.

How often in your day do you feel your heart closing it's doors - out of fear, protection, anger or rejection?

Today the angels are encouraging you to allow the doors to your heart to remain open. For everyone. Don't be afraid of what might come if you allow yourself to be open. As love is the most powerful emotion there is, when you are living in love it isn't possible for other emotions to enter your heart.

Focus on the outflow of love. Some of you may sense it as a feeling, others may see it as a colour - perhaps soft pink. However you experience love, let it flow from your being today. Bathe everyone you come into contact with in your loving energy.

Don't be attached or concerned with how others receive your love. That is not your journey. Your purpose is only to give the love that lives freely inside of you.

Make sure you remember to bathe yourself in your pure, beautiful love. For it is you who needs it most.

Imagine if we could all open our hearts to one another, without fear, and in the knowing that the love was being received and equally returned to us with peace and gratitude. We are the only ones who can make that possibility a reality.

Open your heart to love. Let it fill you with light. Be happy.


(Card deck: Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

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