Thursday 2 May 2013

A Hidden Gift...

A Hidden Gift - Sadness, An ending, A new beginning

Today's card provides us with some more insight into the tougher time some of you have been experiencing lately. A hidden gift amongst all the darkness. This card could similarly be read as "a blessing in disguise" - something that appears to be negative on the surface actually brings with it wonderful, positive things.

Perhaps it wasn't what you expected...but perhaps you were expecting something that wasn't in line with your soul? The universe is always guiding you and this is just one more gentle nudge to send you in the right direction. To feed and nurture your spirit.

Whilst there's no denying there might be some discomfort in this shift and change, like yesterday's card, it encourages us to remain positive, hopeful and keep the faith. Once you have grieved and allowed the old to release you make way for new and beautiful things.


Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno

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