Monday 6 May 2013

Blessing in disguise

Blessing in disguise

"What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven's protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way."

Today's card has a very specific and clear message to those of you out there who have been struggling with a particular situation in your life. The angels are here to tell you, "It is for your greater good". Everything that is occurring right now is part of a bigger plan to move you closer to your higher self, to connect your with your spirit and ultimate life's purpose.

In this card you see the angel looking down upon you from the clouds. She is a reminder that you are being supported and guided through these events, and that they are not simply negative or 'bad' things that are happening to you. For in truth, there is no such thing as a 'bad' thing. Some things are a lot more uncomfortable or cause a lot more pain than others, but always there will be some positive outcome if we are brave enough, grounded enough and trusting enough to see it.

Take with you today the knowledge that everything is happening for a reason. In time you will look back upon this phase and realise what a gift it was to bring you to your current place of peace.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

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