Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sacred Space

Sacred Space

The angels are asking me today to remind you of the importance of creating a sacred space for yourself.

A sacred space, when created in line with your spirit, acts as a trigger that draws you into your internal world and allows you to feel centred and at peace.

Imagine what it looks like in the room inside your heart. All the things you love are in there and truly and uniquely reflect who you are. By creating a sacred space you are bringing a bit of that part of you into the external world, to remind you who you truly are.

It can be great to create a mini sacred space on your desk at work, or in your car - just to remind you that you are made of spirit. When the day gets busy, crazy and overwhelming your little space can serve as a reminder that all is well and that all the noise is just noise. You can choose to tune out.

When I was looking for a pic to post with this message today I came across a great article on creating sacred spaces for those of you who might not have created one before but would like to try. 

It's never a mistake that we come across these things. I suspect there might be a Tree House friend who lives in Sydney who is looking to work with someone up there. The angels are sending this message directly to you! Check out her website and see if you feel the calling.


(Pic from

Friday, 5 July 2013

Purification (Fire)

Purification (Fire)

"Bare Essentials, The Naked Truth, Wholeness"

Today the angels are asking you to simplify. By taking some time over the weekend to get away from all the noise, hustle and bustle you will allow your senses to rest and to absorb the natural beauty in your world.

Perhaps you could make the decision to stay off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter; keep clear of newspapers and the telly. Maybe just try? As an experiment? You will be amazed at the wonderful things you see in your world that you pass by everyday.

In doing so you also create a closer bond with your inner self. In the silence you can hear the whisperings of your soul much more clearly. It might just be the perfect time to hear what your wise, beautiful soul has to say.

Saturday night is a new moon, which is perfect for new beginnings and releasing. In your lovely quiet state burn a nice candle and write your intentions for what you would like your world to be. Draw, cut and paste, write - whatever resonates best with you. It is an amazing time for creation and manifestation.

What do you want you to be, do and have?

It's time to create it!


(Card deck: Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Solerno)

Thursday, 4 July 2013



The angels are sending a VERY clear message today:

 It is time to REST.

Resting is an incredibly important part of a balanced, healthy life. Sometimes people view resting as laziness or something they "don't have time for". The reality is, we must find time for resting as it enables us to recharge, to deal with any minor physical or emotional ailments and to bring us back to our optimum level of health.

Allowing yourself to rest now prevents major setbacks down the track if you push your body too hard. If the truth be told, there are always things that can wait until tomorrow. Sure, you might have liked to get them out of the way today, but in reality, they can wait 'til tomorrow and the world will still continue to spin.

The angels are urging you to please love and care for yourself enough to take some time to rest today.

You are the most useful to those around you if you are healthy, happy and have a clear mind. Just spend that ten minutes on the couch, lying on the grass or taking a quick snooze in your bed. Listen to a meditation or some peaceful music and allow your body, mind and heart to rest and refresh.

Refresh. Grow. Heal. Love.


(Card deck: Joyful Expectancy Oracle Cards by Carina Glanville)

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Dog - I am a good friend

It is my little one's first birthday today - what a year! 

My wonderful Reiki master teacher, Martine, gave her some of Scott Alexander King's gorgeous Creature Teacher Cards. It felt right for us to have a reading with these cards to see what the angels wanted to tell you.

Dog - I am a good friend

This is just perfect to me, as the dog is my little one's favourite animal, in fact, it was the first proper word she has learnt to say!

I'm sure there are many things you think of when you think about the qualities of a dog. Loyalty and unconditional love are a couple, but what the angels are asking you to look at today is how you can benefit from being a good friend to those around you.

Sometimes when you work within, you can become immersed in self reflection and lose sight of the physical world that still remains around you. Yesterday you had the card of Grounding to remind you to honour and cherish your physical self as well as your soul.

Another way to honour your physical self in the outside world is to offer your love to those around you. It can actually be quite difficult to give unconditional love in the true sense of the word as we are all subjective beings and have our beliefs, opinions and judgments. If, however, we can give from a place of loving without expectation of receiving anything in return - that is giving in the purest sense and will in fact reap you the most rewards.

By loving others without expectation you are filling the world with wonderful energy, you are helping others to see the beauty in themselves and you are contributing to a state of peace. What better world to live in than one with peaceful, accepting individuals who are filled with love?!

For today, make a conscious effort to be the loving, caring friend to those around you. You may be surprised at the deep impact at has on others, and indeed on yourself. Spread the joy and bask in the loveliness of it!


(Card deck: Creature Teacher Cards by Scott Alexander King)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Ground yourself

Ground yourself

"When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it's pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. We're helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life."

Today's message is a wonderful reminder from the angels. Grounding is such an important practice and one that is easy to forget in day to day life. Whilst you are spirit or souls first and foremost, you must not deny the reality that your soul lives here on Earth in a physical body. This body enables you to do all the loving work that you do here. There have been a few cards lately about looking after your body and today you are reminded why.

Your body allows your soul to exist here.

One of the easiest and loveliest ways to ground yourself is to get outside. Find a park or a patch of grass nearby (rug up if it's cold outside!), take your shoes off and walk around. By letting your feet connect unobstructed with the earth below you, you are able to tap into the healing, grounding energy of Mother Earth. If you allow yourself to be present and clear you will actually feel the deep pulse from the earth through the soles of your feet.

Drinking a big glass of water is also another really easy way to ground yourself and is always really important to do after any form of spiritual healing or exercise. If you like to burn essential oils choose deep, earthy notes like sandalwood to settle you and place you on an even keel.

Grounding is a wonderfully restorative practice and one that can be done everyday.


(Card deck: Daily Guidance from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue)

Monday, 1 July 2013

I am open and receptive to new avenues of income

I am open and receptive to new avenues of income

" I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams."

Allow yourself to be an open, free flowing being today. The universe is always looking to give to us but it requires us to be open to receiving. By releasing those "it's not possible" thoughts and feelings you are placing yourself in a wonderful position of receptivity.

Practice saying 'yes' in unexpected circumstances today and see where it leads you. It's really easy to become so ingrained in old beliefs and patterns that you shut things down before they've even had a chance to be explored. No more of that today!

From here on in look at life as a field of endless possibilities. The angels are putting particular attention on your financial situation. Please do not lock yourself into a negative position simply because you won't allow your mind to expand to greater possibilities. ANYTHING is possible.

Repeat today's affirmation three times over,

" I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams."

(Card deck: Power Thought Cards by Louise. L. Hay)